Types, Truth, and Expressions


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Presentation transcript:

Types, Truth, and Expressions Intro to Computer Science CS1510 Dr. Sarah Diesburg

Homework Hints From now on can use CONSTANT_NAMES for constants No line wrap

Observations from PA 1 Variable names matter (don’t call it startingMileageStr when it contains a number) Why would you import math? Why would you say float(2.2) Do your own work!

Questions about PA02??

Line Wrap Some rules Strings must be closed in the line in which they start Adding a backslash at the end of the line tells python that the command is continued on the end of the line

Review : Python if Statement if <expression> : suite Evaluate the expression to a boolean value (True or False) if True, execute all statements in the suite

Review : Warning About Indentation Elements of the “suite” must all be indented the same number of spaces/tabs Python only recognizes suites when they are indented the same “distance” You must be careful to get the indentation right to get suites right.

Let’s test your knowledge Let‘s look at #1-4 in my questions.py program…

Let’s test your knowledge Problems #1-4 : Which letters are printed? A B A and B Neither

Let’s test your knowledge Let’s look at statements with if, elif, else Problems #5-9 : Which letters are printed? A B A and B Neither

Python Selection, Round 2 if boolean expression: suite1 else: suite2 The process is: evaluate the boolean if True, run suite1 if False, run suite2

Python Selection, Round 3 if boolean expression1: suite1 elif expression2: suite2 The process is: evaluate expression1 if True, run suite1 If False, evaluate expression 2 if True, run suite2

Python Selection, Round 3 if boolean expression1: suite1 elif boolean expression2: suite2 #(as many elif’s as you want) else: suiteLast

if, elif, else, the Process Evaluate boolean expressions until: The boolean expression returns True None of the boolean expressions return True If a boolean returns True, run the corresponding suite. Skip the rest of the if If no boolean returns True, run the else suite, the default suite