Teacher/Superintendent Council August 29, 2018
I believe…
Purpose of TSC The Kyrene Teacher/Superintendent Council (TSC) provides the Superintendent with an opportunity to engage regularly with teachers in a dialogue on how we can best meet the goals of the Kyrene strategic plan. Meetings will center around the following: Listening to and identifying topics of interest and concern to teachers Small group discussion and brainstorming sessions around topics of interest to teachers Sharing of information on District initiatives, departments and resources Representatives are asked to convey information back to the teacher community. Share information and/or feedback from teacher communities with the rest of the TSC group. Proactively address topics of interest or concern to ensure the entire community has (or knows where to obtain) accurate information and knows how to participate and share opinions, suggestions or additional ideas.
Agenda Introductions What’s your “Why”? Small Group Discussion—Topics for Future Discussion Personal For your School For Kyrene Next Steps
Small Group Discussion Take a minute to think about topics you would like to see this group address. Think of topics important to: You personally Your school Kyrene
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