Brîff 7 Munud - Arolwg Ysgerbydol Skeletal Survey 7 Minute Briefing
1. BETH YDYW? 1. WHAT IS IT? Diben yr arolwg ysgerbydol yw: Canfod a dyddio toriadau Darparu gwybodaeth ar ddwysedd asgwrn ac annormaleddau Argymhellir arolwg ysgerbydol llawn ar gyfer pob plentyn sy’n iau na dwy oed os oes amheuaeth o gam-drin corfforol The purpose of the skeletal survey is to: Detect and date fractures Provide information on bone density and skeletal abnormalities A full skeletal survey is recommended in all children less than two years of age where physical abuse is suspected
2. BETH YDYW ? 2. WHAT IS IT? Fel arfer bydd y penderfyniad a oes galw am arolwg ysgerbydol mewn achos amddiffyn plant posib yn cael ei gymryd gan uwch bediatregydd, yn seiliedig ar ganllawiau cenedlaethol ac asesiad gofalus o’r achos gyda radiolegydd pediatrig ac aml asiantaethau perthnasol. Yn gyffredinol, dim ond os oes pryder am anaf annamweiniol posib y dylid perfformio arolygon ysgerbydol ar blant o dan 24 mis oed. Decisions on whether a skeletal survey is indicated in a possible child protection case will normally be taken by a senior paediatrician, based on national guidance and on careful assessment of the case in conjunction with a paediatric radiologist and relevant multi agencies. In general, skeletal surveys should only be performed on children aged less than 24 months where there is a concern about possible non- accidental injury.
3. BETH YDYW? 3. WHAT IS IT? Dylai rhieni neu ofalwr sydd â chyfrifoldeb rhiant gydsynio i’r arolwg ysgerbydol. Dylid cael cydsyniad ar sail gwybodaeth gan uwch bediatregydd (lefel cofrestrydd neu uwch). Mae adrodd ar arolwg ysgerbydol yn gofyn am dalu sylw manwl i nifer o ddelweddau. Dylai'r gwaith gael ei wneud gan radiolgeydd sydd wedi ei hyfforddi ac sydd â phrofiad yn y maes. Fel arfer, bydd yr adroddiad ar gael o fewn 24 awr Parents or a carer holding parental responsibility should consent to the skeletal survey. Informed consent should be obtained by a senior paediatrician (registrar or above). Reporting of skeletal survey requires careful attention to a number of images. It should be done by a radiologist who is trained and has experience in the field. The report will usually be available within 24hrs
4. CYDNABYDDIAETH 4. RECOGNITION Bydd angen i Ymarferwyr Aml Asiantaeth sy’n bresennol mewn Cyfarfodydd Amddiffyn Plant fod yn ymwybodol y gellid cynnal arolwg ysgerbydol dilynol Mae’n bwysig sicrhau fod y gweithiwr iechyd proffesiynol perthnasol yn bresennol yn y Cyfarfod Amddiffyn Plant wrth ddelio ag anaf annamweiniol posib gyda phlentyn sy'n iau na 24 mis Multi Agency Practitioners in attendance at Child Protection Meetings will need to be aware that a follow up skeletal survey may take place It is important to ensure that the relevant health professional is in attendance at the Child Protection Meeting when dealing with a potential non-accidental injury with a child aged less than 24 months
5. MATERION 5. KEY ISSUES ALLWEDOL Gallai un arolwg ysgerbydol fethu toriadau, yn enwedig yn yr asennau neu ar ben asgwrn (metaffisaidd). Efallai y bydd angen ail arolwg ysgerbydol ar ôl 11 – 14 diwrnod, yn enwedig os oedd yr arolwg ysgerbydol cyntaf yn negyddol. A single skeletal survey may miss fractures, particularly of the ribs or bone ends (metaphyseal). A second skeletal survey after 11- 14 days maybe required, particularly if the first skeletal survey was negative.
6. MATERION 6. KEY ISSUES ALLWEDOL Diben yr ail arolwg ysgerbydol yw: Gwirio darganfyddiadau amheus neu rai sydd heb eu cadarnhau ar yr arolwg cyntaf (e.e. cadarnhau amrywolion arferol) Edrych am anaf ychwanegol (e.e. asennau a thoriadau metaffisaidd nad ydynt i'w gweld ar yr arolwg cyntaf) Rhoi mwy o wybodaeth am oedran toriad The purpose of the second skeletal survey is to: Check suspicious or unconfirmed findings on the initial survey ( e.g. to confirm normal variants) To look for additional injury (e.g. ribs and metaphyseal fractures not visible on the initial survey) To give more information about the age of a fracture
7. GWEITHREDU 7. ACTION Mae’n bwysig fod ymarferwyr yn ymwybodol y gallai arolwg ysgerbydol dilynol nodi materion pellach i’w hystyried o safbwynt yr Ymchwiliad Amddiffyn Plant It is important practitioners are aware that the follow up skeletal survey may identify further issues for consideration in relation to the Child Protection Enquiry.