How do we measure population growth? Birth Rate = # born/total population Death Rate = # died/total population Compare Birth and Death to get Growth Rate. Life expectancy-How long individuals in the population are expected to live. Write examples of what can affect this? Immigration/Emigration-movement between populations.
How do populations grow? Exponential - Populations will grow rapidly (exponential) unless acted on by the environment.
How do populations grow? Logistic – Rapid growth until factors in the environment slow the growth. Carrying Capacity - the number of organisms the environment can support indefinitely. What will happen if the population is at Carrying Capacity and more animals migrate in?
How do populations grow?
Have we reached Earth’s Carrying Capacity?
What limits a population size? Limiting factors stop a population from growing. There are two types of limiting factors: 1. Density - dependent limiting factors Factors that have an increasing effect as populations size increases. EX. 2. Density-independent limiting factors Factors that affect all populations, regardless of their size.
Natural Resources Part of the natural environment used by humans for their benefit Renewable Resources a natural resource that is replaced or recycled by natural processes Ex. Nonrenewable Resources a natural resource that is available only in limited quantities and is not recycled or replaced by natural processes
Check your answers for #3-17 Check your answers for #3-17. Use the information to fill in examples in your notes. R 11. R 18. F N 12. R 19. T R 13. N 20. F R 14. N 21. T N 15. R N 16. R N 17. R R
Natural Resources Lab
Questions: Based on your list do you use more renewable or nonrenewable resources? 2. Coal and gasoline are fossil fuels that are produced from the remains of dead organisms. Why are they considered nonrenewable resources? 3. Give an example of how we fulfill each of the following: REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE 4. Why is reduce/reuse/recycle so important? (Relate your answer to types of resources.)
Assignment HNS (10pts) Create a graphic that represents your favorite fast food restaurant. On the graphic include: Reasons to eat fast food Resources used to create a fast food meal Color code the resources as renewable or non-renewable (make a key). Your map must be labeled and organized. It must include at least 5 illustrations. Questions: Do you have more renewable or non-renewable resources on your map? List non-renewable resources on your poster that are regularly recycled. Do your reasons equal the resources used? Do your reasons equal the non-renewable resources used?
Assignment 1 ACA (10pts.) Divide your paper into two sections. Label them RENEWABLE and NON-RENEWABLE. Create a collage with (drawn) pictures of Earth’s natural resources and items we create with natural resources. Cover as much of the page as possible. Be sure to appropriately place the items in each category. Questions(complete sentences on back of paper): 1. What type of resource was the easiest to represent in pictures? Why do you think this is the case? 2. List non-renewable resources on your poster that are regularly recycled.
Alternative Energy Sources Poster and Post-it Activity
Sec 26.1 – 26.3 Energy Resources Managing Energy Resources: Most people rely on nonrenewable sources for energy and they are being used up at an alarming rate. So scientists are coming up with renewable alternatives for these sources.
Sec 26.1 – 26.3 Energy Resources Solar energy- Passive solar designs that heat homes by using materials that absorb sunlight like concrete, adobe, brick, etc. Also orientation of the home and window units. Active solar designs use solar panels that absorb solar energy Photovoltaic Cells use sunlight to create an electrical current
Sec 26.1 – 26.3 Energy Resources Hydroelectric Power- water falling over turbines drives a generator and produce electricity (dams) Geothermal Energy- Energy produced by naturally occurring steam and hot water, usually found in areas with plate tectonic activity
Sec 26.1 – 26.3 Energy Resources Wind Ednergy- Windmills are use to convert wind energy to mechanical energy which is then used to make electrical energy Nuclear Energy- this is a process that uses nuclear fission to produce energy
Sec 26.1 – 26.3 Energy Resources Conservation Energy Efficiency is using an energy resource that is the most productive and renewable. Conserving energy saves money and resources Ideas?