SFI – Senter for Forskningsdrevet Innovasjon Centre for research based innovation Goal Strengthen the ability to innovation in the industry through long term research in cooperation between research oriented companies and excellent research institutions Criteria for selection Scientific quality Business potential R&D and PhD/Post Doc programme
SFI - Petroleum Formal announcement: June 8 Application deadline: December 1 Work group for developing application: Sigmund Stokka, RF – Project manager Aina M. Berg, RF Svein Skjæveland, UiS Arild Bøe, UiS
SFI - Profile Deep Innovation for production optimisation Advanced wells completion DIACS – Downhole instrumentation and control systems Reservoir drainage with advanced wells Well inflow performance with advanced wells Well productivity Production optimization Must keep distance to CIPR and COREC
SFI – Relevant subjects Geology Reservoir technology Reservoir, near well and well flow modelling Near wellbore processes Smart well technology Well monitoring and control Formation damage, well stimulation, well productivity Cybernetics Subsea technology Operations and maintenance
SFI Status Workshop UiS-RF April 29 Meetings with Universities in Houston area early May, new meeting in September Rice University University of Houston Texas A&M Deep Community Meeting May 26 Statoil, Total, ConocoPhillips, Shell…..are positive Service industry must be included (Halliburton, Schlumberger, Baker,………)
SFI Application from RF Cooperation RF/UIS/Deep Community Industry: Take part in financing and management SFI period: 2006 – 2014 Budget: All SFIs: 100 MNOK/year, 8 years Per SFI: 10 MNOK/year plus industry financing (5+3 years) NFR: 50 % Industry: 25-50% Total annual budget: 20-30 MNOK