PRE-PROJECT DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 12-15-2008 HIGH WATER-Looking US @ project bank. Stream is obviously eroding this bank, which contributes significant sediment to the system PRE-PROJECT DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 12-15-2008
HIGH WATER-Looking DS toward DS end of project. PRE-PROJECT DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 12-15-2008
THE PLAN “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”.
Courtesy of Ecological Restoration, Inc. Correction: There should be 3 Traffic Control Stones between each Single Stone Bendway Weir, not 2. Courtesy of Ecological Restoration, Inc. “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”.
Courtesy of Ecological Restoration, Inc. TCS SSBW Key “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. Courtesy of Ecological Restoration, Inc.
PLANTS PLANTED Common Name # Size Gray Birch 50 2 gallon pots Gray Birch 200 unrooted poles Buttonbush 25 bare root Silky Dogwood 200 bare root Ninebark 175 bare root Rhododendron 50 3 gallon pots White Pine 150 3 gallon pots
Two healthy Single Stone Bendway Weir (SSBW) stones. “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. CONSTRUCTION DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 9-19-2009
CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS by Dave Derrick, September 19-20, 2009
Key Traffic Control Stones (TCS) with Single Stone Bendway Weirs (SSBW) & vegged keys & pole plantings Key Key Key TCS TCS TCS Key TCS TCS SSBW Key TCS TCS TCS SSBW Key Thalweg TCS SSBW Traffic Control Stones (TCS) sized about 3 ft by 3 ft by 4 ft, dug into the bed & bank, designed to stabilize & roughen the bank, are spaced 3 to 6 ft apart. Every 4th TCS is keyed into the bank & has a Single Stone Bendway Weir attached. 8 SSBW total
Key Key Key TCS TCS TCS Key TCS TCS SSBW Key TCS TCS TCS SSBW Key Thalweg TCS SSBW Rooted–stock container shrubs & trees added to Traffic Control Stones at toe & all bare areas of the entire eroding bank
CONSTRUCTING THE VEGETATED KEY, TRAFFIC CONTROL STONE, & SINGLE STONE BENDWAY WEIRS FOR # 4 & 5. “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”.
Place Live Poles against both sides of trench Detail for key Place Live Poles against both sides of trench Flow
Place stone in key trench. Detail for key Place stone in key trench. Flow
CONSTRUCTION DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 9-19-2009 Looking across @ stone being placed in the key for Bendway Weir #4. Live poles have already been placed in the key trench. “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. CONSTRUCTION DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 9-19-2009
Close-up of stone being placed in key for BW #4. “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. CONSTRUCTION DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 9-19-2009
Looking across @ key installation of BW #5. “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. CONSTRUCTION DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 9-19-2009
Looking across @ live poles & key stones in BW #5. “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. CONSTRUCTION DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 PIX BY DERRICK 9-19-2009
Choke stone with gravel-cobble (white areas) & water in Detail for key Choke stone with gravel-cobble (white areas) & water in Flow
Detail for key Backfill and overfill with native soils, then compact (some settling will still occur) Flow
Detail for key Seed Flow DONE WITH THE KEY
Key TCS SSBW Close-up of a Single Stone Bendway Weir (SSBW) & vegged key & pole plantings Thalweg
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE Photos by Dave Derrick SEPT CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE Photos by Dave Derrick SEPT. 24, 2009 Very natural, minimal structure approach
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009 Construction complete, looking DS @ 175 ft of the 200 ft long project. This should look completely natural in a couple years!! CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009 Construction complete, looking DS. TCS, Single Stone Bendway Weirs, random boulder field, many pole plantings & rooted-stock plants provide plenty of roughness @ toe of slide. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
Construction complete, DS @ the random boulder field & planted slide. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009 Construction complete, looking across @ Bendway Weir #3, along with a vegetated key, hillside plantings, & TCS US & DS. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009 Construction complete, looking across @ Bendway Weir #4, along with a vegetated key, hillside plantings, & TCS US & DS. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009 Construction complete, looking across @ Bendway Weir #7, along with a vegetated key, hillside plantings, & TCS US & DS. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009 Construction complete, looking across @ dense rooted-stock plantings of trees & shrubs on the DS 1/3 of the slide area CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009 Construction complete, looking across @ Bendway Weir #5, along with a vegetated key, hillside plantings, & TCS US & DS. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DINGMANS CR-SITE 4 DERRICK 9-24-2009
Cleophus says “Geaux Saints” “Based on the interagency publication, Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices, this introductory training covers: Stream corridor ecosystems and their components Ecological processes, structure & functions Characterization and analysis of stream corridors Development of a restoration plan Design, implementation, monitoring, and Integrated, iterative, adaptive, flexible approaches”. Cleophus says “Geaux Saints”