Ways to Prevent Injuries at Home 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Childproofing the Home What does this statement mean? The best way to find the dangers a child might encounter is to explore the home at his or her level – by getting down on your hands and knees. “You may feel silly, but a few self-conscious minutes are better than years of regret.” Explain in your own words what you think this means. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Childproofing the Home What is the best way to go about looking at childproofing the home? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Safety in the Kitchen What are safety precautions that parents need to follow in the kitchen to keep children free from injuries? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Supervision! Hot foods, beverages, placemats and tablecloths should be kept out of reach. Use back burners when possible. Pot handles toward the center Use gates whenever possible to keep children out when you are not in the kitchen. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Safety in the Kitchen Can you think of any safety precautions that deal with glasses or knives and forks? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Safety in the Kitchen How can tablecloths, placemats and appliances be hazards to children? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Safety in the Kitchen How should the pot handles be turned when cooking? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Safety in the Bathroom What do you need to do to make the bathroom safe for a child? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Bathroom Safety Medicines, makeup and cleaning products locked up. Unplug appliances when not using. Install toilet lid lock to prevent drownings. Prevent children from playing in Bath unsupervised. Use guard covers on tub faucet Never plug in near tub! 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Safety around Heat Sources Keep guards around open heaters, radiators, and floor furnaces and fireplaces. Teach children that the heat source is “hot”. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Home Fires What do you need to teach children about home fires? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Sparky the Fire Dog Says… Keep matches, lighters, cigs, and candles out of reach. Install smoke detectors in every bedroom, kitchen and every floor of your home. Working fire extinguishers near Kit/Fireplace. Plan an escape route and teach to all! 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Firearm Safety Guns kill more that 10 children every day. Adults need to teach children that guns are not toys and must not be handled by children. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home What else do you know about firearm safety? Take ammo out of firearm. Lock firearms out of reach. Store ammo separate from gun. Keep keys stored separate from gun and ammo. Lock up gun cleaning supplies…They are poison! 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Bathing Children Safely Is it safe to leave a child alone in the bathtub? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Supervise Children Around Water Sources! Never leave a child alone at bath time!!! Use non-slip mats Bath very young infants in sink top bathtub for safe handling. Set home water temp below 120 degrees Use only 2-3 inches of water in bathtub. Color code faucets (Red=hot; Blue=cold) 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Preventing Falls How can a parent prevent falls in the home? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Fall Prevention Window Screens will not prevent a fall. Install safety guards on windows Use extra locks on windows and doors. Use safety gates at the top AND bottom of stairwells. Secure bookcases, dressers, TV’s and heavy furniture to walls. Store heavy items on the bottom shelves. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Making Cribs and Beds Safe How far apart do the slats need to be in a crib to keep a baby’s head from becoming stuck? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Crib Safety Slats no more than 2/8” apart (Soda can test) No lead paint on crib. No corner posts Mattress should fit crib exactly. Mattress should be at least 26” below the top rail. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Making Cribs and Beds Safe Why should all stuffed animals and fluffy blankets, and pillows be removed from the crib when child is sleeping? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Keeping mealtimes safe Children love to try new foods. What are foods that children do not need to try early in life because of possible allergic reactions? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Meal time Reminders Handle/store food properly-no food poisoning. Avoid choking hazards: hot dogs, nuts, whole grapes, popcorn, candy, raw veggies. Avoid foods that are known allergens: strawberries, shell fish, peanuts and unpasteurized cheese. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Preventing suffocation Remove all stuffed animals from the crib at night Keep plastic bags away from children Store unused refrigerators/freezers with the door removed. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Preventing poisoning Request child-resistant packaging when possible. But keep in mind that child-resistant does not mean childproof. These medicines still need to be locked out of reach. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Toy Safety This is a tube tester. What do you think it might be used for? 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Toy Safety: children 3 years and under Some people will suggest using a toilet paper tube to test if something poses a choking hazard. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Preventing lead poisoning Can anyone tell us what lead poisoning is and what it comes from? (1978) (Toys) 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home Emergency Keep a first aid kit on hand and emergency numbers by every phone in the home. Include the national toll-free poison hotline: 1-800-222-1222. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home
Make sure your child has a safe, secure environment at home. 2.02-Preventing Injuries at Home