Financial Management for NonProfit Organizations 2019-05-14
Financial Management for NonProfit Organizations E-mail: GRZEGORZ.MICHALSKI@UE.WROC.PL www: HTTP://MICHALSKIG.UE.WROC.PL/ Mobile: 48.503452860 5 meetings + 1 exam (test) Next meeting: 25th March. Reading material: |
NonProfit Finance cases: Hospital / Medical service School (of something: primary, cooking, musical etc.) Religion based home of help (ex-drunks, ex-addicts, orphanages, etc.) Donation based WOŚP etc. Commune businesses: water-supply institutions ….
CASE2: School Nonprofit charity decide to start three year one-class school. One class population is average 16 childreen. The school will work for 6 hours daily. Fee is 25o€ monthly per one child, paid by the parents. The educational dotation paid by local government is 70ooo€ in every year. Fixed Costs: 5 teachers with 1 clerc (teacher 1600€/month, clerc 900 €/month), energy and water: (450€ / month), rent for building: 1200€ / month| Variable Costs: 0€. School equipment 30ooo€ will be covered by debt (kd=7%) and equity (unleveraged beta for educational services = 0.82) [ ] NWC: 300€ Number of pupils: Year: 200X | 200X+1 | 200X+2 | 200X+3 | 200X+4 | 200X+5 | 200X+6 | 200X+7 | 200X+8..n | Q: 45 | 48 | 46 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 46 | 38 | 39 |