Subordinating Conjunctions They’re a little tricky!
What is a subordinating conjunction? A subordinating conjunction makes a clause within a sentence dependent on a complete sentence in order to make sense A subordinate conjunction is followed by a subject and predicate
Common Subordinating Conjunctions after how till although if unless as In as much until as if in order that when as much as now that where as soon as provided (that) wherever as though since while because so that lest before than that even if even though though
Consider the following complete sentence: Kate dropped the pizza on the floor.
Now look what happens when we add a subordinating conjunction: Because Kate dropped the pizza on the floor What happened to the complete sentence? Now it is dependent on another clause or complete sentence in order to make sense.
Add a complete sentence: Because Kate dropped the pizza on the floor she had to clean it up.
Try another one! Whenever the teacher assigns homework What is the subordinating conjunction? What is the subject that follows it? What is the predicate? Add a complete sentence…
A complete sentence… Whenever the teacher assigns homework, the students start to cry. the students run for the hills. the students jump for joy!
Now, you try: Circle the subordinating conjunction in each of the following sentences Underline the complete subject once and the complete predicate twice
Sample #1: Whenever I eat at Tim Hortons I order three timbits and a coffee.
#2. Jason and Mikaela did their homework during lunch because the teacher would be collecting it the next period.
#3. Since Josh and Amber had a project due after lunch, they decided to spend their lunch hour at McDonalds.
#4. If you need cash, you can use the debit machine at school.
#5. The police officer pulled over the speeding car, although the streets were very icy.
#6. Since the 401 was jam-packed, I almost didn’t make it to the airport in time for my flight.
#7. Even though the exam is in June, I have already started reviewing my notes.
#8. Shrek is my favourite animated movie because the characters are so funny.
#9. Because John threw the ball immediately, the player was out.
#10. If you like ice cream, you should try the Marble Slab Creamery
#11. Since I was stuck in traffic, I almost missed my flight.
#12. When the teacher assigns projects, Helena hands everything in.
#13. Jake went to see the movie “Inception,” while his sisters went to see “Gnomeo and Juliet.”
#14. Although Jake liked the movie, he found the plot very confusing.
#15. Jake’s sisters enjoyed the references to Shakespeare in the movie, since they have read and enjoyed many of his plays.