Micki Kaminski ELA and Social Studies Lesson Plans 7th Grade ELA Block Hours 1,2 and 3,4 8th Grade Social Studies Hour 6 Prep Hour 5 January 8-12, 2018
Micki Kaminski 7th Grade ELA Agendas 7th Grade ELA: Hours 1,2 and 3,4 January 8-12, 2018
7th Grade ELA Standards Reading Writing Speaking/Listening Language RL.7.1 - Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL.7.2 - Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. RI.7.5 - Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas. W.7.2 - Write informative texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. W.7.2b - Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. W.7.8 - Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. W.7.9 - Draw evidence or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. SL.7.1a - Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. SL.7.1c - Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others' questions and comments with relevant observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed. SL.7.1d - Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views. . L.7.2 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. L.7.2b - Spell correctly. L.7.4a - Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. L.7.4b - Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., belligerent, bellicose, rebel). 7th Grade ELA Standards
Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Monday, January 8, 2018 Famous Inspiration ELA Responsibilities The 5 W’s Notes PINK 6 Word Generation Unit 3.11 Summary Writing WNB Pages 38-43 Grammar WS Reading Workshop Strategy/Skill Close Main Ideas Details Determine Importance Summarization Shared Reading Word Gen Unit 3.11 Read Aloud Strange But True Stories From US History Mrs. K NONE Rotations Read Graphic Novels Language/Word Work Word Generation Unit 3.11 Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Writing Workshop Notes Bagel Sale Friday Midterm W, R, F MAISA Informational Writing Unit Session 6: Determining Central Idea WNB Pages 38-43 PP Slides 58-67 Simple, Compound, Run-on Sentences Commas, Clauses (Noun)
Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Tuesday, January 9, 2018 Word of the Week ELA Responsibilities The 5 W’s Notes PINK 6 Word Generation Unit 3.11 Summary Writing WNB Pages 38-43 Grammar WS Reading Workshop Strategy/Skill Close Read 1,2,3 Determine Importance Summarization Shared Reading The Titanic Operator’s Story Read Aloud Strange But True Stories From US History Mrs. K R O Y Rotations Writing, Word Study, Reading Language/Word Work Word Generation Unit 3.11 Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Writing Workshop Notes Bagel Sale Friday Midterm W, R, F MAISA Informational Writing Unit Session 6: Determining Central Idea WNB Pages 38-43 PP Slides 58-67 Simple, Compound, Run-on Sentences Commas, Clauses (Noun)
Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Figurative Language ELA Responsibilities Word Generation Unit 3.11 Summary Writing WNB Pages 38-43 Grammar WS Midterm Part I Reading Workshop Strategy/Skill Talk to the Text Reading Strategies Shared Reading Midterm Reading Video Clips and Read Aloud Read Aloud Strange But True Stories From US History Mrs. K NONE Rotations NONE Language/Word Work Word Generation Unit 3.11 Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Writing Workshop Notes Bagel Sale Friday Midterm I Today MAISA Informational Writing Unit Computer Lab 501 Writing of Informational Essay Chronological Order Simple, Compound, Run-on Sentences Commas, Clauses (Noun)
Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Thursday, January 11, 2018 Creative Writing ELA Responsibilities Word Generation Unit 3.11 Summary Writing WNB Pages 38-43 Grammar WS Midterm Part II Reading Workshop Strategy/Skill Talk to the Text Reading Strategies Shared Reading Midterm Reading Video Clips and Read Aloud Read Aloud Strange But True Stories From US History Mrs. K NONE Rotations NONE Language/Word Work Word Generation Unit 3.11 Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Writing Workshop Notes Bagel Sale Friday Midterm II Today MAISA Informational Writing Unit Computer Lab 501 Writing of Informational Essay Chronological Order Simple, Compound, Run-on Sentences Commas, Clauses (Noun)
Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Friday, January 12, 2018 Critical Thinking ELA Responsibilities Word Generation Unit 3.11 Summary Writing WNB Pages 38-43 Grammar WS Midterm Part III Reading Workshop Strategy/Skill Talk to the Text Reading Strategies Shared Reading Midterm Reading Video Clips and Read Aloud Read Aloud Strange But True Stories From US History Mrs. K NONE Rotations NONE Language/Word Work Word Generation Unit 3.11 Whereas, Capable, Ongoing, Compatible, Notion Writing Workshop Notes MAISA Informational Writing Unit Computer Lab 501 Writing of Informational Essay Chronological Order Simple, Compound, Run-on Sentences Commas, Clauses (Noun) Bagel Sale ELA Midterm III
Micki Kaminski 8th Grade Social Studies Social Studies: Hour 6 January 8-12, 2018 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
8th Grade Social Studies Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.5 Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. U3 USHG ERA 3 – REVOLUTION AND THE NEW NATION U3.3.3 Describe the major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention including the distribution of political power, conduct of foreign affairs, rights of individuals, rights of states, election of the executive, and slavery as a regional and federal issue U3.3.4 Explain how the new constitution resolved (or compromised) the major issues including sharing, separating, and checking of power among federal government institutions, dual sovereignty (state-federal power), rights of individuals, the Electoral College, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise U3.3.6 Explain how the Bill of Rights reflected the concept of limited government, protections of basic freedoms, and the fear of many Americans of a strong central government U3.3.7 Using important documents, describe the historical and philosophical origins of constitutional government in the United States using the ideas of social compact, limited government, natural rights, right of revolution, separation of powers, bicameralism, republicanism, and popular participation in government
Monday, January 8, 2018 ELA in Social Studies Notes Section 1 Summary WS 4,5 PP Notes WS 6,7 Comprehension WS 8-11 Critical Thinking in Social Studies Student Responsibilities Chapter 7 Section 1 If you were there… ELA in Social Studies Key Terms / People Strategy/Skill Main Idea, Chronological Order, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution Reading Section 1 Pages 234-237 Launching the Nation Writing Section 1 Summary WS 4,5 Essay and Short Answer George and Martha Washington, Judiciary Act of 1789, Precedent, Agreement, Electoral College Notes Midterm Exam Part I 1/11 (R) Part II 1/12 (F) The Big Idea(s) President Washington and members of Congress established a new national government.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 ELA in Social Studies Notes Section 1 Summary WS 4,5 PP Notes WS 6,7 Comprehension WS 8-11 Critical Thinking in Social Studies Student Responsibilities Chapter 7 Section 1 If you were there… ELA in Social Studies Key Terms / People Strategy/Skill Main Idea, Chronological Order, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution Reading Section 1 Pages 234-237 Launching the Nation Writing Section 1 Summary WS 4,5 Essay and Short Answer George and Martha Washington, Judiciary Act of 1789, Precedent, Agreement, Electoral College Notes Midterm Exam Part I 1/11 (R) Part II 1/12 (F) The Big Idea(s) President Washington and members of Congress established a new national government.
ELA in Social Studies Notes Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Study for Midterm Suing the Study Guide Completed in Class Last Week Critical Thinking in Social Studies Student Responsibilities Match Cards 4 J’s Heart, Spade, Diamond, Club ELA in Social Studies Key Terms / People Strategy/Skill Main Idea, Chronological Order, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution Reading Jeopardy Game Writing Notes as game is being played All Key Terms and People from Chapters 3,4,5,6 Notes Midterm Exam Part I 1/11 (R) Part II 1/12 (F) The Big Idea(s) The 13 Colonies, Declaration of Independence, Revolution, The Constitution, US Citizen
ELA in Social Studies Notes Thursday, January 11, 2018 Midterm Questions 1-10 Part I Critical Thinking in Social Studies Student Responsibilities Test Taking Skills ELA in Social Studies Key Terms / People Strategy/Skill Main Idea, Chronological Order, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution Reading Midterm Chapters 3,4,5,6 Writing Word Generation Unit 3.11 Argument, Claim, Reasons Part I District Assessment 1-10 All Key Terms and People from Chapters 3,4,5,6 Notes Midterm Exam Part I The Big Idea(s) The 13 Colonies, Declaration of Independence, Revolution, The Constitution, US Citizen
Critical Thinking in Social Studies Student Responsibilities Friday, January 12, 2018 Midterm Questions 1-25 Part II Critical Thinking in Social Studies Student Responsibilities Test Taking Skills ELA in Social Studies Key Terms / People Strategy/Skill Main Idea, Chronological Order, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution Reading Midterm Chapters 3,4,5,6 Writing Midterm Short Answer Part II Grissom 1-25 All Key Terms and People from Chapters 3,4,5,6 Notes Midterm Exam Part II The Big Idea(s) The 13 Colonies, Declaration of Independence, Revolution, The Constitution, US Citizen