Fidges dad died, this made her sad and blue So much so she disliked Minnie's book about the Wimbley Woos But it was Wed Wabbit that made her blood boil red She wished the stupid thing dead Then Minnie got hit and the clouds turned grey Off to her cousin Grahams she must stay All of a sudden there was a flash of yellow Fidge woke in a daze and came across an odd looking fellow Trapped in a train it looked like the greys Stuck in Wimbley land for the rest her days She needed help from Graham, an orange carrot and an elephant dressed in pink Those devious blue Woos were causing a stink The King was imprisoned, so were the others, under the orders of the beast in red Fidge remembered that blues like to eat, so sweets they shall be fed Guidance from the oldest and wisest, told her what to do, to bring colour back to the Wimbley Woos With help from the orange, pink and green Now Fidge doesn’t feel so mean A great big hug full of love brought her family back again