Reducing liver function tests for statin monitoring: an observational comparison of two clinical commissioning groups by Kate Homer, John Robson, Susannah Solaiman, Abigail Davis, Saima Zubeda Khan, David McCoy, Rohini Mathur, Sally Hull, and Kambiz Boomla BJGP Volume ():bjgp17X689365 January 30, 2017 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice
Number of full array LFTs and rate per 1000 population by statin and liver disease status for both CCGs combined, for the final quarter before intervention (ending March 2015). Number of full array LFTs and rate per 1000 population by statin and liver disease status for both CCGs combined, for the final quarter before intervention (ending March 2015).CCG = clinical commissioning group. LFT = liver function tests. Kate Homer et al. Br J Gen Pract doi:10.3399/bjgp17X689365 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice
Full array LFT/1000 and ALT/1000 by month for people on statins in Tower Hamlets and Newham CCGs. ALT = single alanine transaminase test. Full array LFT/1000 and ALT/1000 by month for people on statins in Tower Hamlets and Newham CCGs. ALT = single alanine transaminase test. LFT = liver function test. Kate Homer et al. Br J Gen Pract doi:10.3399/bjgp17X689365 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice
Full array LFT per 1000 patients by month in Tower Hamlets CCG, showing pre- and post-intervention fitted values. Full array LFT per 1000 patients by month in Tower Hamlets CCG, showing pre- and post-intervention fitted values. LFT = liver function test. Kate Homer et al. Br J Gen Pract doi:10.3399/bjgp17X689365 ©2017 by British Journal of General Practice