Light illumination excites Lamina I SDH neurons after PNI Light illumination excites Lamina I SDH neurons after PNI. A, Schematic diagram of whole-cell patch-clamp recording in Lamina I neurons using sagittal spinal cord slices with the L4 dorsal root taken from W-TChR2V4 rats with or without PNI (day 14). Light illumination excites Lamina I SDH neurons after PNI. A, Schematic diagram of whole-cell patch-clamp recording in Lamina I neurons using sagittal spinal cord slices with the L4 dorsal root taken from W-TChR2V4 rats with or without PNI (day 14). B, Representative traces of EPSCs (voltage-clamp mode; left) and action potentials (current-clamp mode; left) in Lamina I neurons at the L4 in spinal slices taken from W-TChR2V4 rats (naive and PNI). Blue regions, light illumination to the dorsal roots. C, Amplitude of light-evoked EPSCs in Lamina I neurons (naive and PNI; n = 10 cells; **p < 0.01, unpaired t test with Welch’s correction). D, E, Confocal images (D) and firing pattern (E) of recorded Lamina I neurons in W-TChR2V4 rats with or without PNI. Values represent mean ± SEM. Scale bar: 100 µm. Ryoichi Tashima et al. eNeuro 2018;5:ENEURO.0450-17.2018 ©2018 by Society for Neuroscience