The Cold War Begins US vs. SU Never any “hot” military combat between countries more of a political (cold) stand-off.
Differences in US and SU United States: Capitalist democracy under Harry S. Truman Free elections Freedom of religion Private property Soviet Union: Dictatorship under Joseph Stalin Communism Government made all economic, political and military decisions No freedom No opposition (fear) Wanted to make Eastern Europe communists states under Stalin’s control…the big problem
Iron Curtain In a speech British Prime Minister Winston Churchill referred to the iron curtain in Europe East of the Iron Curtain was the Soviet Union setting up communists states To keep the Western side safe, the US and other democracies needed to stand firm Truman agreed
The Truman Doctrine Truman’s promise to help aid nations struggling against communists movements Set a new trend in American foreign policy…no longer neutrality or isolation Used containment in which communism would be contained where it already existed
Marshall Plan Set up to help create economic stability in Western Europe so there could be political stability as well Provided food, fuel and money to jump start economic growth Helped combat the spread of communism with money not bullets
A Divided Berlin Even though the city of Berlin was in East Germany (Soviet occupied) the city was divided into East (Soviet) and West Berlin (Allies) Stalin cut off traffic to West Berlin… Berlin Airlift: Britain and US airlifted supplies to West Berlin for over a year Showed how far the US would go to contain communism Later a wall is constructed to divide East and West Berlin called the Berlin Wall
Divided Germany and Divided Berlin
N.A.T.O vs. Warsaw Pact N.A.T.O. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Non-communists military alliance to contain Soviets Attack one, attack them all Warsaw Pact: The Soviet Union and other communist states formed a military alliance to rival N.A.T.O. Pledged to defend one another if one was attacked
The People’s Republic of China Mao Zedong was successful in creating a Communists China regardless of American attempts to prevent it Now Communism controlled a large population and large land mass…worried Americans
Korean War One battleground of the Cold War Korea was divided into North (Soviet held) and South (US held) Korea at the 38th Parallel North Korea crossed into South Korea with military force…US will aid South Korea General Douglas MacArthur leads troops in South Korea…stalemate by 1953 New President Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons which led to cease fire
Effects of Korean War Nothing changed: Korea was still divided, half communist and half noncommunist Increased military spending Use of troops without congressional approval becomes a trend for Presidents Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO): a defensive alliance aimed at preventing the spread of communism
An Arm’s Race Russia has atomic bombs…now US is not the only one Nikita Khrushchev comes to power after Stalin’s death Hydrogen bomb was being perfected in US and would be 1,000 times more powerful than a-bomb SU and US start to stockpile powerful nuclear weapons that could destroy the other hoping to keep the Cold War “cold”
Eisenhower in Office Eisenhower Doctrine: Central Intelligence Agency: The US would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism Central Intelligence Agency: Created in 1947 Used by Eisenhower to combat communism through secret missions
The Cold War In Space 1957: Soviet Union launched a satellite into space called Sputnik… threatened American superiority so government created NASA to conduct space related research and experiments
Cuban Missile Crisis Fidel Castro had set up a communists government in Cuba and Soviet Union was building nuclear missile sites in Cuba Bay of Pigs: CIA had developed a plan to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro that was unsuccessfully executed while Kennedy was in office
Geneva Accords Gave the Palestinians Jerusalem and would drop their claims over Israel (now a Jewish nation) Zionist Movement: A political movement to create the nation of Israel as the Jewish homeland growing rapidly after the Holocaust US recognized the nation of Israel immediately after it was established