UNM Information Assurance Scholarship for Service (SFS) Program
What is Information Assurance? Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) defines information assurance (IA): Measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation Obvious subtopics: Encryption Network security Intrusion detection Secure coding practices Digital forensics Not-so-obvious subtopics: Fraud & forensic accounting Security policy & implementation Legal and privacy issues Education & training
IA Overlap to Other Fields
Information Assurance at the University of New Mexico
UNM History Security courses and research within multiple departments since the 1990s UNM’s Center for Information Assurance Research and Education (CIARE) established in 2006 DHS/NSA designation as Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Information Assurance in 2007 New Mexico regional computer forensics lab (RCFL) opens on UNM south campus in 2012 CAE re-designation (cyber-defense education and research) in 2012 and 2017 NSF Scholarship for Service grant in 2013, 2017
UNM – Current IA Programs Master of Accounting - IA concentration 33 semester credit hours with 12-15 in IA/Cyber Graduates work primarily in fraud/forensic accounting, internal auditing, and public accounting Master of Computer Science 33 semester credit hours Cybersecurity emphasis available through multiple courses and research projects Master of Electrical & Computer Engineering
UNM – Current IA Programs - Continued Master of Science (MS) in Information Systems and Assurance Minimum 32 semester credit hours No formal tracks – take courses in IA/Cyber, MIS, or both Study plans customized to student background and career goals 4 management core courses required but waived for students with an undergraduate management degree IS security intro, database management intro, and project management are required but waived for students with similar undergraduate coursework Remaining courses taken from IS/IA electives A thesis option is available
UNM IA SFS Program UNM was awarded National Science Foundation grants in 2013 and 2017 for the UNM Information Scholarship for Service (SFS) Program 22 students graduated as of December 2018 8 students in progress as of January 2019 Current grant funding through end of 2021 Students are funded to complete an IA-related Master’s degree in exchange for working within the Cybercorps® for 2 years after graduation SFS programs exist at approximately 70 colleges and universities though only a handful are administered within management schools
UNM IA SFS Program Summary Complete a Masters degree in IA at UNM following pre-approved study plan Full funding for three semesters Mandatory summer internship – most are in Washington, D.C. Mandatory 2-years employment in Cybercorps® - most positions are in Washington, D.C. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and eligible to receive a Top Secret security clearance by time of graduation
UNM IA SFS Per Student Funding All tuition and fees Stipend - $2833 per month Book allowance - $1000 per semester Travel to job fairs and conferences Other professional development expenses (e.g., certification courses and exams) Health insurance reimbursement up to $3000 per year
SFS Awardee Obligations Register with the OPM SFS office Register with USAJOBS.gov and configure alerts for IA-related job postings under the Pathways Intern and Pathways Recent Graduates programs Join the student-led Network Exploitation Security Team (NEST), attend all meetings, and participate in all activities Participate in events and activities assigned by the SFS program director Attend SFS career planning and placement events as assigned by the SFS program director and work with the program director and OPM SFS office to secure an internship and career placement Meet with the SFS program director and other advisors on a regular schedule Follow your study plan as approved by the SFS program director Maintain good academic standing and progress toward your Master’s degree Avoid any behavior that might negatively influence your ability to obtain or keep a high-level security clearance Work in the CyberCorps® for at least 2 years after graduation
Student Timeline Apply for scholarship by September (for January start) or by May (August start) – must also apply for Master’s program Interview for scholarship Awardees notified on a rolling basis (September to October for January start, March to June for August start) Preparation during fall for January SFS job fair in Washington, D.C – find an internship Complete spring (or fall and spring) courses Complete internship in summer Complete remaining courses Attend January SFS job fair – find a Cybercorps placement Graduate and begin work in the Cybercorps®