Feudalism Chapter 19 section 2
The Feudal Order Feudalism Society under Feudalism Type of government where power is de-centralized Power is held by land owning nobles Society under Feudalism Clergy – Church Leaders Nobles – owned the land; governed; enforced laws; protected people Lord – high ranking noble; Vassel – low ranking noble that served the Lord Freemen – paid the Noble to farm; had rights Serfs – A person bound to the land – nobles property Can gain freedom by running away for a year and 1 day
Knighthood The Medieval Manor Knight – warrior or horseback Code of Chivalry – rules a Knight had to follow Obey the Lord, respect women, help people in trouble, be honest, and fight fair The Medieval Manor Manor - Farming community consisting of a manor house or castle, village for serfs, a church, and fields for farming Manor House 900-1100s – Nobles house – made from wood Castles – after the 1100s
Answer these questions Read Pages 553-555 Answer these questions How did increased trade change life in medieval Europe? How did Guilds affect the medieval townspeople made a living?