Advising & Counseling: Grossman Commons, 2nd floor 508-362-2131 x4318
You need Advising & Counseling! Need to change your schedule? Having trouble in a class? Experiencing anxiety or depression? Not sure which classes to take? Trying to choose a program? Worried about yourself or a classmate? Planning to transfer to a 4-year school? You need Advising & Counseling!
Advising & Counseling helps you in two ways: Academic Advising You will be assigned an academic advisor to work with. You will see your advisor’s name in CampusWeb. You can schedule an appointment with your advisor any time you need someone to speak to! All CCCC students are required to see your advisor before registering for next semester’s courses. There will be an Advising Hold on your account that your advisor will remove for you so you can register. Your academic advisor helps you in many ways: Create academic goals, Understand your academic map, Answer transfer & career questions, Teach you the language of higher education, Share success strategies, Help you navigate college policies, forms, questions, Provide referrals for additional support, Listen to you, and so much more!
2. Counseling and support We all have lives outside of school. Sometimes we experience periods of sadness, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, conflict in relationships, trouble finding stable housing or meeting basic needs. CCCC is here to support you and all of your needs. We have many resources available on campus when you need someone to talk to about issues that may have an impact on your classes. Resources include: Dr. Jay Crider – Available on Tuesday mornings for brief counseling & referrals for long-term counseling CALM, the Crisis and Life Management team – Available at all times to speak with you if you are concerned about yourself or someone else on campus. CALM can provide referrals to local organizations for any type of assistance you may need. The START club, Students Achieving Recovery Together – A community of students for support in sober living and recovery of yourself or a loved one
Advising basics for new students Welcome to CCCC! Here are some of the “basics” to help you navigate: The college catalog outlines our academic programs and policies. You can refer to it any time with questions! The academic calendar outlines important dates for you to know every semester. Your academic map lists all courses you need to take in order to graduate. Courses are listed by semester to help you choose which courses to take each semester. My4Cs is where you will sign in to access all of technology you need to succeed at CCCC. Check your student email every day! You can even have it forwarded to your personal email address, if you’d like.
Did you know that you need to take 5 college-level classes each semester in order to graduate in 2 years? Need to take less than 5 classes each semester? That’s ok! Talk to your advisor for assistance! Let’s do the math on a “Two Year” Degree 1 Associate Degree = 60 Credits 2 Years = 4 Semesters (Fall & Spring) 60 Credits ÷ 4 Semesters = 15 credits per semester to Finish Your Degree!
Starfish Connect for Success! Use Starfish to: Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor Request help in a course Receive Kudos and Congratulations from professors Review Success Plans you create with your advisor Access all CCCC campus resources in one convenient location To access Starfish: log-in to CampusWeb, then click on the Starfish link in the top-right corner
Commonwealth Commitment Are you interested in… Biology Chemistry Economics History Political Science Psychology And do you plan to… Enroll full-time (12+ credits) Maintain a 3.0 GPA Graduate by December 2018 Transfer to a state college or university 10% rebate off tuition & mandatory fees at the end of every successful semester Freeze on tuition & mandatory fees until you graduate Additional MassTransfer tuition credit once enrolled in a bachelor’s program
Tips for beginners Always be mindful of the Academic Calendar Check your college email every day Get comfortable navigating the CCCC website Get involved Don’t forget your textbooks and supplies Take care of details (tuition & fees, immunizations, financial aid, health insurance) Chat with your professors Follow your academic map Meet with your academic advisor Request help when you need it
See your academic advisor two times each semester See your academic advisor two times each semester! The better you know your academic advisor, the better your advisor can assist you. Plan to meet your advisor within the first month of the semester to check-in. Then, visit your advisor again during the Advising period. Always remember: advisors advise, but students decide. The decisions you make along your educational journey are yours. We are here to assist you, but we can’t decide for you. Log in to Starfish and schedule an advising appointment today!
Prepare for your advising session Come prepared to your advising appointment. Bring a list of questions with you Update your academic map and bring it to your appointment Choose the courses you think you should take next semester. Ask your advisor to review your choices. Be on time to your appointment. If you can’t make your appointment, contact your advisor to reschedule.