USHC Standard 2 – The student will demonstrate an understanding of how economic developments and the westward movement impacted regional differences and democracy in the early nineteenth century. Chapter 3 in EOC Book
USHC 2.3 Compare the economic development in different regions (the South, the North and the West) of the United States during the early nineteenth century, including ways that economic policy contributed to political controversies.
Introduction: As the result of growing economic differences between the North, South and the West, the regions developed different social values and political interests which led to political conflict and ultimately to war.
Let’s review expansion thus far…
Regional Differences
Industrial North
Rivers of the North
Cash Crops and Plantation Agriculture in the South
Western Crops
Regional and economic difficulties led to political controversies including: Keeping the National Bank Continuing to have a protective tariff The North and the West teaming up against the South Expansion of slavery
First National Bank of the US
Protective Tariff
Erie Canal
Slavery by 1850