Research discussions November 4th 2013
Research into the LNG curriculum Focus on LNG101-LNG107 Prime purpose: To gather information to improve the curriculum Secondary purpose: To produce research publications Internal research reports Conference presentations
Real-world tasks What do students really do? What problems are there? What are the possible solutions?
Independent learning What do students choose to do and why? Goals Confidence and attitude Language improvement Supplement to classroom Approaches Open (movies, books) SALC clubs Normal SALC (esp. CALL) What do students choose to do and why?
Technology Tools What tools do teachers use for what purposes? Edmodo Facebook LMS E-mail What tools do teachers use for what purposes?
Evaluation What is really being measured through the evaluation (item/criterion analysis)? Does the evaluation match the objectives? What do students think about the evaluation?
Teacher initiatives How do teachers deal with the assigned material to teach (e.g. ignore parts of coursebook, assign parts as homework) and why? What extra materials do teachers produce or use? How can these be shared?
Teacher beliefs What do teachers believe are the purposes of the compulsory LNG courses? What do teachers believe should be the balance of the 3 main components (coursebook, real-world tasks, independent learning)? What do teachers believe are the purposes of the SALC clubs?