The Unfair World Lesson 1 – Recap of Slavery Learning Gain: All learners will explore the lifestyle of slaves living in the southern United States using a historical source.
Starter Write in your book What do we mean by the word “unfair”? Planners and a pen on your desk Starter 5 minutes Write in your book What do we mean by the word “unfair”? Can you give examples of situations in the world (historical and present) that are unfair
A recap of Slavery To make progress this lesson we are learning to: Be able to describe what slavery is Be able to investigate what daily life was like for a slave Be able to interrogate sources
We will cover the following: The Unfair World We will cover the following: Slavery Civil Rights in the United States Apartheid in South Africa
Slavery 5 minutes Slavery refers to a condition where individuals are owned by others, who control where they live and when they work Slavery has existed throughout history. The Romans, Ancient Greeks, Incas and Aztecs all had slaves The transatlantic slave trade led to millions of Africans being transported and occurred between the 15th and 19th century
What is slavery? 10 minutes Ideas
Read the sources and answer the questions in your book The Life of a Slave 20 minutes Read the sources and answer the questions in your book You MUST write in full sentences All the answers can be found in the sources Add in extra detail if you know more!
Extension: Slave Punishment 10 minutes Evidence: What does this photograph show? Why do you think slaves were punished so harshly? What does this tell us about attitudes towards slaves?
WRITE THIS IN YOUR PLANNERS: Homework 5 minutes WRITE THIS IN YOUR PLANNERS: Find out about a significant individual from the American Civil Rights era. Complete the profile Bring this with you to next lesson
Reflect on the objectives: Be able to describe what slavery is Be able to investigate what daily life was like for a slave Be able to interrogate sources How much progress have you made this lesson?
Answer the question in your book Plenary 5 minutes Answer the question in your book What was daily life like for a slave? Summarise what you have found out this lesson. Try to JUSTIFY your explanation