Camp Kon-O-Kwee Parent Meeting Bradford Woods Elementary School September 6, 2017
Purpose To provide students with a dynamic opportunity to learn about the environment, outdoor living, and interpersonal communications beyond that which is possible in the traditional elementary classroom.
Arrival at School (8:30-8:40 a.m.) Wednesday, September 27th Car Pool Parent parking area on playground Enter through gym door Line up: 5A, 5B, 5C Pack as lightly as possible Medication
Environmental Etiquette and Manners Respect the Natural Environment Please / Thank You Table Hoppers Family Style Dining All food and snacks will be provided. Listen to ALL Adults Sign of the Buffalo
Bunk Buddies Your child will be able to choose one other student as his or her bunkmate They will be sleeping in the same room as this student and they will be eating their meals along with this student as well Please help your child choose a friend in the coming weeks before camp Rest assured that every student will have someone to bunk with
What Not To Bring Money Electronic Equipment (except cameras) Cell Phones Food District IPad
Items To Bring: General Clothing (Label Everything!) Sweatshirts Old jeans or pants (2-3 pair) Long/short sleeved shirts (2-3) Socks (5-6 pair) Underwear (4-5 pair) Pajamas or warm-up suit Hiking boots/tennis shoes
Warm and Protective Clothing Warm jacket Gloves or mittens Warm hat Raincoat
Sleeping Gear Sleeping bag Twin fitted sheet Blanket Pillow and pillowcase
Personal Needs Bath towel or beach towel Soap Shampoo/conditioner Comb/brush Toothbrush Toothpaste Deodorant Flip-Flops
Hygiene Encouraged to take a shower No hair dryers No curling irons
Medicine Procedure All meds must be in original container and have a prescription from the doctor, even over the counter meds need a prescription from a doctor. Parent permission form must be completed for these meds. These forms are in the packet. Send only amount needed for camp. Put all meds, prescription and permission forms in Ziploc bag with child’s name on bag.
Medicine Procedure Continued Try to have all meds in to the health office by Tuesday, September 26th. This allows time to organize and call you if there are any questions. We take our own Tylenol, if you signed an emergency form then we can give it. Any other pain meds will need to be sent in and have a doctor’s prescription order with it. We do not take student meds from school unless you contact the nurse beforehand. Any questions, call Ms. Barron at 412-369-2302 before September 18th.
Other Flashlight Camera (disposable preferred) Plastic bags (for wet and dirty clothes) Book (optional) Check weather report
Sample of Scheduled Activities Archery Camp Cooking Canoeing Geocaching Fishing Pond Study Bonfires Team Building Activities Camouflage Activities Hiking
Dismissal From School Snack will be provided before departure from Camp K-O-K Arrive at school by 10:30 A.M. Friday, September 29th Take very tired and hungry child home Only a half day of school
Important Items to Remember! Please remember to take a Camp KOK packet on your way out! Please return signed permission form and check to Homeroom teacher by Friday, September 15th Please return signed medical forms (including physician’s signature) and medications to school by Tuesday, September 26th
Take a moment to stretch before we begin our curriculum presentation…