Art 222 Digital Multimedia In-class Presentation Week 1A
:: in-class example What’s wrong with this picture? by Jeffrey Travis
:: in-class lesson What is Digital Multimedia? Multimedia is a combination of: Image Text Sound *********** Time
:: introduction skill survey intro to the course, me, & you game plan for the semester overview of the syllabus weekly and bi-weekly assignments two major projects (mid-term and final) homework
:: in-class introductions Name Goal for this semester What do you want to get out of this course? Ideal job that you eventually want What role/position do you want in that job? Have you ever worked with digital video before? Have you ever recorded audio before? Have you ever made a DVD before?
:: game plan A and B Days Critiques “Post mortem” sessions 1 on 1 meetings Critiques Critiquing both the presenter and the critic “Post mortem” sessions
:: extra costs Blank DVDs Blank MiniDV tapes
:: homework due next class :: 01.11.06 Gather still photographs for a DVD slideshow photos should be at least 640x480 Buy some blank DVDs ***WAIT! TEST FIRST!*** DVD+R’s up to 8x
:: post mortem How smoothly did today’s class run? What slowed us down? What did we skip over? How can we be more efficient in the future?