GOOD MORNING!!!!! Phones up Notes out Get ready for a warm up!
Analyze this political cartoon, in three sentences tell me what you think is going on.
TO THE LEFT, TO THE LEFT! On your neighbors paper write down a comment on their answer You will have 1 min before passing again. Some things to think about: Did you agree with their interpretation of the cartoon? Say why. Give them an idea of what you thought it to represent List some observations that you made that help you determine what it was about Respond with a positive note Tell them why you might have changed your opinion because of their perspective on the cartoons message.
Directions for today…. PART 1 There are a total of 6 primary source documents, along with one background information. It is your job to place these 6 doc in chronological order. Once they are placed in order… raise your hand!!
Watergate Scandal Cover-up The Cover-up of Richard Nixon’s involvement in the Watergate Scandal ended up being the nation's leading story. Why was the cover up so important in US history? It gave the American people a reason to distrust the government. First Vietnam War= we pulled troops and NV became communist. Now the watergate cover up
Timeline Activity- PART 2 On a seperate sheet of paper, each of you will be creating a timeline of the Watergate scandal. You must include the following events, Each topic must have a short 2-3 sentence summary explaining that key event. You need at least three pictures in COLOR WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED TURN IT INTO THE TRAY IN THE BACK! Nixon resigns Watergate break-in Ford becomes president Watergate investigation begins Nixon released tapes Ford pardons Nixon