TIC TAC KNOW Living Things Welcome to TicTac Town TIC TAC KNOW Living Things Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved Grade 3 and 4
Round One - Bank Maintain a constant body temperature GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One - Bank Maintain a constant body temperature Warm-blooded Animals Go To Round Two
Round One – Gas Station petals BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Gas Station Provides color and scent and protects the reproductive part of the flower petals Go To Round Two
Round One – Gym When a new plant breaks out of the seed germinate BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Gym When a new plant breaks out of the seed germinate Go To Round Two
Round One – Library The part of the plant that takes in air and light BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Library The part of the plant that takes in air and light leaf Go To Round Two
BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Post Office The food making process of plants is called_____? photosynthesis Go To Round Two
Round One – Doctor’s Office BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Doctor’s Office Living things that make their own food are called___. producers Go To Round Two
Round One – Music Store roots BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Music Store The part of the plant that takes in water and minerals are_____. roots Go To Round Two
Round One – Grocery A young plant is called a_______. BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Grocery A young plant is called a_______. seedling or embryo Go To Round Two
Round One – Pet Shoppe What is a simple plant? BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round One – Pet Shoppe What is a simple plant? A plant that has no roots, leaves, or stems Go To Round Two
Round Two Clear the boxes and select a location. BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two Clear the boxes and select a location. Go To Round Three
Round Two - Bank An animal hunted by a predator is________. prey BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two - Bank An animal hunted by a predator is________. prey Go To Round Three
Round Two – Gas Station population BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Gas Station A group of the same kind of living thing that live in one place at the same time is a ______ population Go To Round Three
Round Two – Gym omnivore BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Gym An animal that eats plants and other animals is a/an________ omnivore Go To Round Three
Round Two – Library predators BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Library Animals that hunt other animals for food are called_______. predators Go To Round Three
Round Two – Post Office mimicry BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Post Office This adaptation is when one animal imitates another animal to avoid predators mimicry Go To Round Three
Round Two – Doctor’s Office BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Doctor’s Office Animals that receive milk from their mothers are _______. mammals Go To Round Three
Round Two – Music Store To migrate means to ____________________ BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Music Store To migrate means to ____________________ travel as a group from one place to another to live. Go To Round Three
Round Two – Grocery What is hibernate? BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Grocery What is hibernate? to enter a deep sleep to survive the winter Go To Round Three
Round Two – Pet Shoppe What body part do fish use to take in oxygen? BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Two – Pet Shoppe What body part do fish use to take in oxygen? gills Go To Round Three
Round Three Clear the boxes and select a location. BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three Clear the boxes and select a location. End Game
Round Three - Bank herbivore BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three - Bank An animal that eats only plants is called __________ herbivore End Game
Round Three – Gas Station BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Gas Station A diagram that shows how food chains connect and overlap is a ___________ food web End Game
Round Three – Gym adaptations BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Gym A body part or behavior that helps an animal meet its need in its environment is called? adaptations End Game
Round Three – Library arthropod BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Library An invertebrate with legs that have several joints is _________. arthropod End Game
Round Three – Post Office BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Post Office Camouflage An animal’s coloring that helps it blend in with its environment. End Game
Round Three – Doctor’s Office BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Doctor’s Office All populations living in the same area is a __________ community End Game
Round Three – Music Store BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Music Store decomposer Living things that feed on dead organisms. End Game
Round Three – Grocery Livings plants that do not make their own food BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Grocery Livings plants that do not make their own food fungi End Game
Round Three – Pet Shoppe BANK GAS STATION GYM LIBRARY POST OFFICE DOCTOR’S OFFICE MUSIC STORE GROCERY PET SHOPPE Round Three – Pet Shoppe A behavior that is not learned instinct End Game
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