The Interpretation for Body Language 498702418 企三乙 陳欣亞
Thumbs up Thumbs up means they agree to you. Generally speaking, it always means “well done” or “ok”. But the deeper meaning can refer to you appreciate someone those do something for you.
Hitch a ride Solicit a free ride, especially by hitchhiking. Different from thumb up, you should let your thumb face to your right side. This simple gesture almost become the world language.
Shrug the shoulder This gesture is very popular in America. It means you wanting to help but not able to. Sometimes you may choose to give up. It will be more lifelike with pop-eyed and two hands face up.
V sign It’s start from England, and It is most commonly used to represent the letter V as in " victory", as a symbol of peace. But it’s an offensive gesture if you use this with your palm inward.
Handshake When you meet someone in the first time, people always shake hands to show their welcome.
High Five A gesture of greeting, elation, or victory in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person. High five can means someone want to say hi or celebrate something with you.