GORSKA REŠEVALNA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE Mountain Rescue Assocciaton of Slovenija
Purpose and Mission To voluntarily help people in emergencies in the mountains, ski resorts and on difficult remote terrains. Our work includes prevention and education of members and education for other visitors in the mountains.
educate and qualify mountains visitors
Training & Education
History Established 1912 in Kranjska Gora Additional four stations till second world war. 1952 under PZS ( Mountainireeng Association of Slovenija) Different organizational modes in different political and economic arrangements always with the same purpose and mission
Rescue mission in 1930`s
GRZS and its members (units) Organized as a federation Partly independent, voluntary, non-profit units Carrying out humanitarian tasks of public interest Protect, rescue and aid in the mountain world Help to Civil protection servise by natural and other disasters Fundamental units of GRZS – societies of mountain rescue service (GRS). Partly independent and geographically determined Activities established by the rules of GRZS GRZS provide major part of financial assets and equipment for units
Independent organization since 2006 Member or in cooperation with: ICAR, goverment organisations such as UZRSR, CP
Members of GRZS mountain climbers, mountain guides and special skills members (doctors, guides of rescue dogs, paramedics, ...) qualified for first aid and the use of specialized rescue techniques. The goverment fixed normative is 430. 560 active rescuers in 17 stations. Average age is around 45 Assests for over normative are providied by stations
How to become a mountain rescuer in Slovenia ? Mountain rescue trainee License - challenging path 3 years of training with final exams Sacrifice of effort, willpower, and free time Specialisation
Terrestial commission Training for new members Additional training for instructors New improved rescue techniques International cooperation
Tyrolian traverse
Akia assembling
Air rescue commission Training for rescuers is provided by GRZS instructors on the basis of the prescribed goverment programs Helicopters are provided by Police and Army Activating procedures are sometimes complitated
Bell 412
Army helicopter in action
Helicopters provided by Police and Slovenian army
Rescue dogs and avalanche commission
Avalanche rescue and prevention service
Missing pearsons search missions
Medical Commission
Medical equipment
air rescuer doctor
Helping on a difficult terrain