How to…
A few things to know before you get started… 1 Question using 7 documents 55 Minutes (includes 15-minute reading period) 25% of Exam Score Analyze and synthesize historical data. Assess written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence Maximum points available: 7
Thesis and Argument Development (2 points) Targeted skill: Argumentation How did/could I do this in my DBQ?
Document Analysis (2 points) Targeted Skill: Analyzing Evidence: Content and Sourcing How did/could I do this in my DBQ?
Using Evidence Beyond the Documents: Contextualization (1 point) Targeted Skill: Contextualization and Argumentation How did/could I do this in my DBQ?
Using Evidence Beyond the Documents: Evidence Beyond the Documents (1 point) Targeted Skill: Contextualization and Argumentation How did/could I do this in my DBQ?
Synthesis (1 point) Targeted Skill: Synthesis How did/could I do this in my DBQ?