Welcome to Key Stage 4 ... ... the next stage of the journey
Today we hope to … Give you an outline to Key Stage 4 Make clear the most likely route to success at Key Stage 4 Discuss ideas about how to navigate the next 3 years successfully
Overall students have the opportunity to enter 9 GCSEs or equivalent. The 3 Year Key Stage 4 Options 3 year courses 3 elective subjects Religious Studies GCSE in Year 10 Exam Outcomes Core subjects – English (2), Maths (1), Science (2), RE (1), Options (3) Overall students have the opportunity to enter 9 GCSEs or equivalent.
Key Changes @ Key Stage 4 No coursework in any subjects except practical ones (lower % of final grade) Terminal exams are the assessment norm Greater number of exams Cohort Coursework (%) Number of exams Year 11 2017 51 13 Year 11 2018 22
Explanation of the new grades To grade 1 – 9 from G – A* G/F E D C C/B B A A/A* Top A* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grade 5 is the new expected standard – a good pass Grade 4 is a standard pass
A marathon not a sprint Time lost now cannot be made up in Year 11 if they want to achieve their targets
for success Be organised and informed 2. Be positive and enthusiastic 3. Attend school
1. Getting organised : Year 9 Blue is school. Yellow is extra curricular (revision sessions, nightclub, maths homework club, extra help etc) Orange is independent study (homework, review, revision) 7 hours outside school
Getting Organised: 10 Blue is school. Yellow is extra curricular (revision sessions, nightclub, maths homework club, extra help etc) Orange is independent study (homework, review, revision) 11 hours outside school
Getting organised : Year 11 Blue is school. Yellow is extra curricular (revision sessions, nightclub, maths homework club, extra help etc) Orange is independent study (homework, review, revision) 12 hours outside school
This is what Year 11 will look like if students don’t plan
I have printed a blank one but you can also find it on the website Stay on top of the workload
2. Be positive We encourage a growth mindset Effort is the key Failure leads to success d) We believe that all students can achieve
Fixed mind set Growth mind set I was born bright / not very bright I can improve through learning and practise I react to failure by switching off and ignoring the issues I react to failure by trying harder I don’t like challenge and don’t want to risk looking stupid I thrive on challenge and throw myself into difficult tasks
The six most important words “You did well, you tried hard”
How can you help? Check your child is doing homework Completely (no gaps) To the best of their ability Use the parent app to identify homework set Check your child is doing independent work Use the methods recommended (on the website) Timetable weekly 30 minute blocks
Spaced Learning Space learning out over a period of time. www. senecalearning.com Space learning out over a period of time. This forces learners to retrieve information from memory and secure it. Revisit important learning from 1 or 2 months ago to keep it fresh.
Advice for the next 3 years Firstly believe you can do it Next put the effort in to get there
3. Attendance Absence or lateness will lead to a drop in a performance Holidays in term time will not be authorised, dentist or doctors appointments need to be carefully scheduled. Throughout the 3 years of KS4 being in school is essential to success 17 occasions of absence = 1 grade at GCSE. That means just 2 days absence per term 0 absences = 3 times more likely to get 5 or more good grades
7 actions for you … Use the phrase “You did well, you tried hard” Use the parent app for homework Create a timetable with 30 minute blocks for independent work/homework and test them. Watch the video on how to learn/revise Firstly believe they can do it! Next ensure they put the effort in to get there! 6. Ensure good attendance 7. Get the balance right; don’t burn out