A Comparison of Computed Sound Speed Profiles from CTD and GDEM Data LT Chris Bryan OC 3570 Winter 2008
Data Sources ● CTD From November 2007 Off central California coast 34 CTD casts ● Generalized Digital Environmental Model (GDEM) - NAVOCEANO created - derived from the 1995 Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set (MOODS) - NetCDF files of gridded monthly means of temperature and salinity - Global coverage at 0.25° resolution (latitude/longitude)
CTD Locations
Sound Speed Calculation ● Many Methods Exist Medwin (6 terms; only good to 1km) Mackenzie (9 terms) Chen and Millero (41 terms) ● Del Grosso - chosen for use here - Medwin says Del Grosso gives best values - 19 terms with 18 coefficients having 12 significant digits each
b002 SSP key features CTD GDEM SST 13.26 13.53 SS@ bottom 1481.22 1481.18 MLD 13 25 MLSS 1498.02 1499.67 DSCD 741 700 DSCSS 1480.05 1480.6 Depth Max 1020 967
b014 Notice bottom depth difference. CTD GDEM
b014 SSP key features CTD GDEM SST 14.96 15.99 SS@ bottom 1481.79 1523.21 MLD 40 35 MLSS 1504.70 1507.41 DSCD 704 600 DSCSS 1480.39 1480 Depth Max 1018 4037
b014 - modified CTD GDEM
b017 Notice bottom depth difference. CTD GDEM
b017 SSP key features CTD GDEM SST 15.17 16.11 SS@ bottom 1481.37 1526.79 MLD 29 35 MLSS 1504.84 1507.78 DSCD 544 700 DSCSS 1478.55 1480 Depth Max 1027 4395
b017 - modified Notice bottom depth difference. CTD GDEM
b025 Notice bottom depth difference. CTD GDEM
b025 SSP key features CTD GDEM SST 14.93 15.05 SS@ bottom 1480.70 1526.83 MLD 34 30 MLSS 1503.83 1504.4 DSCD 552 600 DSCSS 1477.32 1479.3 Depth Max 1025 4338
b025 - modified Notice bottom depth difference. CTD GDEM
b031 Notice bottom depth difference. CTD GDEM
b031 SSP key features CTD GDEM SST 12.88 13.29 SS@ bottom 1488.93 1486.11 MLD 15 30 MLSS 1497.06 1498.56 DSCD 73 600 DSCSS 1488.34 1480.2 Depth Max 118 1728
b031 - modified Notice bottom depth difference. CTD GDEM
Why Don’t They Match locations (GDEM only in .25° increments) ● NONE of the GDEM points exactly match CTD locations (GDEM only in .25° increments) ● GDEM is an AVERAGE and not always representative of current environment ● Last depth in profiles are extremely different for most profiles (affects bottom parameters)
is a good representation of CTD data for the cases examined, Conclusion GDEM is a good representation of CTD data for the cases examined, especially in shallower portion of profile