The CSW is a functional commission under ECOSOC. Established by an ECOSOC resolution in 1946 with a mandate to prepare recommendations on promoting women’s rights.
CSW60 Themes Priority Theme: Empowerment of Women & Its Link the SDGs Review Theme: Eliminating & Preventing Violence Against Women
Side Events & Parallel Program Over 8,000 registrants from all over the world Side Events: >200 Panels & discussions by Conference Mbrs & Mbr States Parallel Sessions: ~45o informal meetings & sessions organized by CSW Conveners thru-out the 2 weeks.
Zonta’s Involvement in 2016 as one of over 1,000 NGOs around the world ZI Representative on the CSW Planning Committee & member of NGO CSW/NY Written Statement on thematic issues Created, co-sponsored, & helped present 3 parallel events Hosted an orientation for Zontians & several receptions Participation by ~50 Zontians
Zontians have fun wherever they are… whoever they are…
L-R: Carol, Sheila, Lori, Bobbee, Pam, Kay, Sherrill, Lee, Mary [find the sloth & pangolin mascots]