Make sure you are reading when the bell rings. Independent Reading Make sure you are reading when the bell rings. Please have your homework journal out and open on your desk.
Discuss texts so Far… GROUPS OF THREE Ed Koch: Capital Punishment Affirms Life David Bruck: Death Penalty Helen Prejean: Executions are Too Costly- Morally Each person- summarize “your” text for the group. Discuss your opinion/ response. Discuss your texts. How do these texts and their ideas relate to Anthem? Man or Sheep? Perils of Obedience?
Turn in: David: QUESTIONS ONLY. Save the text. Helen: QUESTIONS ONLY. Save the text.
#46 3 Texts 12/10 Groups of THREE Each read one of the texts, and in his or her notebook, each student should complete the following for their text: 1. - Subject Purpose Underpinning- Support Devices and Tone
Return the 3 texts from today.