Paynesville Area Schools Community Facility Work Group October 10, 2018
Meeting Agenda Welcome / Introduction Vision / Direction of Paynesville Area Schools Identified Needs Principles to Address Needs Present Sketch Feedback Next Meeting
Welcome / Introduction Matt Bullard Superintendent 320-243-3410 x1000
Facility Committee’s Previous Work Gym / Fieldhouse …………………... 209 Update Current Facilities ………….. 142 Technical Education Updates …….. 124 IT Programs / Robotics ……………. 96 Gymnastics …………………………. 81 Wrestling Room ……………………. 59 Softball Updates …………………… 37 New School ………………………… 34 Elementary Kitchen ……………………… 32 Greenhouse …………………………….... 25 Security …………………………………… 20 Interior Facelift …………………………… 18 HS Media Center Remodel …………….. 14 Update School Grounds ………………… 9 Update Current Gym ……………………. 7 Walking Track ……………………………. 5 Collaborative Spaces …………………… 4
Where Things Were at the Last Meeting
Vision / Direction of Paynesville Area Schools Prepare students with the Academic, Social, and Personal Skills to be career, college, and community ready. What does this mission statement look like in practice? How do we know we are achieving our mission?
Career Pathways Evidence of pathways emerging: ASE / MLR Certification in Automotive Repair (2018) Makerspaces in both school buildings (2018) Certified Nursing Assistant (2019) Increase College Offerings (2019) Implementation of Student Internship Program (2019)
Building a Robust System with Embedded Pathways Rigorous Foundation Legal Responsibilities Ethics Literacy Skills Communication Skills Leadership Employability Technology Environmental Awareness Career Development Creativity Critical Thinking Teamwork Problem Solving Health Technical Skills Collaboration Safety
Hallmarks of Embedded Pathways Student Passion + Abundant Exploration Opportunities Real World Application _______________________________ SUCCESS!
Identified Needs Replace all 1950 and 1960 vintage boilers in both school buildings. Provide the academic space to embed career pathways. Provide a community asset and resource available to community members. Bring Gymnastics back on site. Address softball field needs. Provide lobby for the auditorium. Address wrestling room concerns. Provide ample space for school sponsored activities. Address fitness center needs.
Facility Committee’s Previous Work Elementary Kitchen ……………………… 32 Greenhouse …………………………….... 25 Security …………………………………… 20 Interior Facelift …………………………… 18 HS Media Center Remodel …………….. 14 Update School Grounds ………………… 9 Update Current Gym ……………………. 7 Walking Track ……………………………. 5 Collaborative Spaces …………………… 4 Gym / Fieldhouse …………………... 209 Update Current Facilities ………….. 142 Technical Education Updates …….. 124 IT Programs / Robotics ……………. 96 Gymnastics …………………………. 81 Wrestling Room ……………………. 59 Softball Updates …………………… 37 New School ………………………… 34
Principles to Address Needs A project must address most pressing needs Maximize and utilize existing space Blended model of remodel and new construction
Current Proposed Plan Evan Larson from GLT Architects is present to walk the group through the present sketch of the potential facility upgrades.
Brainstorm Session Converse with others in your area. What questions do you have to this point? What needs are missing?
Future Meetings Proposed: October 29, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Finalize Needs / Sketch November 12, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Review Construction Cost Data November 29, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Finalize Recommendation to Board Of Education