Agronomy Research Station Established 1892 Magruder Plots Agronomy Research Station Established 1892 Stillwater, Oklahoma 10’ 10’ 135.0’ (6) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash, and Lime 60-30-30+Lime 115.5’ (5) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potash 60-30-30 94.0’ 125’ (4) Nitrogen and Phosphorus 60-30-0 72.5’ (3) Phosphorus 0-30-0 51.0’ (2) Check 29.5’ (1) Manure every 4 years at 240 lbs N/A [Next Application: Fall 2015] 10’ 100’ 10’ N E S W N Source: 46-0-0 P2O5: 0-46-0 K2O: 0-0-62 Lime: as required Plots are 17.5’ wide with a 4’ alley between each plot.