Coming up soon Monday: Searching the Literature Quiz Searching Lit & Ethics Quiz Time to ask about topics Wednesday: Final Topic + Review Article Bring paper copy of form and article to class At that point your topic will final. Significant penalties if change or reword title after that point (Mini Review Asn) If topic does not fit specified criteria, topic will be rejected… What happens then? Coming up soon
reminder Topic Refinement Meetings: by Friday for extra credit Bring articles Drop by during office hours or if I am in my office Today 1:30-2:30pm Th 1-2pm, 6:30pm Fri TBD Additional times during office hours on Mon/Tues, but not for extra credit Do not wait until the last minute because I won’t be able to help you get to where you need to be reminder
Exercise: What’s in a…? Part B (see p13) Annotations Exercise: What’s in a…? Part B (see p13)
What is an annotation & what does it include? You will recognize you have written an annotation when it answers the following question for the reader: “Why should I be interested in reading this article?
An annotation is: more than a title but less than an abstract ( and is different) less focus on what said & done, more focus on why read
What questions might a reader want answered? What is the area of research? What is the significance of the research? What is the specific problem being addressed by the research? What conclusion does the research reach? Is the research well presented? Insightful? Etc. Is there something unique about the authors, research, etc.?
Will all of these questions always be answered? Why? No… Depends on article, person’s expertise/background writing the annotation, purpose of the annotation
What questions does the reader not want answered? experimental detail / detailed techniques specific data
Based on the questions A reader wants answered another way to look at this… What are possible components of an annotation? summary significance/context of research tells what you will get out of the paper evaluate the quality or content (e.g. major breakthrough) describe the target audience
What will you get out of writing an annotation? a better understanding of the article one way we can see how well you understand the articles we will use it to evaluate that all of your articles fit under your topic title a way to see how the articles connect to your chosen topic (along with your title, posted next to your poster