Sight Words: Have and is The difference in day and night This week we reviewed: Sight Words: Have and is The difference in day and night How to label the picture you draw Next Week we will learn: Review all Sight Words Purpose of Labor Day Five Frames Physical Properties (texture, color, size, shape, weight) September 1st- Grandparents Day September 5th- Labor Day (no school) September 13th- Papa John’s Night September 21st- Fall Picture Day September 27th- Chick Fil A Night The week of August 29th- September 2nd will be Book Fair Week in the library. When sending money please send in labeled envelope! Text @lhuite to 81010 to get important reminders sent to your phone! We need snacks and disinfecting wipes for our classroom! Sean- 10th Nihla- 26th Ethan- 13th Addi- 31st Refer to the August Homework Calendar. There will be a new homework calendar sent home Wednesday. Practice sight words and counting to 100 by 1s and 10s! 229-225-3908
Green folder communication log This week we reviewed: Sight Words: she, see, with Times of day (morning, afternoon, night) Positional words ( beside, next to, on top of, under) Counting a set and writing number to go with the set (1-20) Next Week we will learn: Sight words: look, they, you Everything about PUMPKINS Building and reading CVC words Reading Color Words Writing phrases to match our drawings September 27th- Chick Fil A Night October 3-7- Fall Break October 10- Teacher Workday October 11- Papa Johns Night SAVE THE DATE- Jack O Jog- October 22 We are selling raffle tickets for door prizes. All money benefits HNH. Please come to the school and if you’re interested in buying raffle tickets. Please remember that in the classroom we do what’s best for the child. If you have any questions, please call the school. I am more than happy to clear up or discuss with you any questions you have about our classroom. Isla- 9th Birthdays celebrated on Fridays at 2:00 Refer to the September Homework Calendar. This was sent home Wednesday. Practice sight words and counting to 100 by 1s and 10s! 229-225-3908 Green folder communication log
Green folder communication log This week we reviewed: Sight words: look, they, you Everything about PUMPKINS Reading Color Words Writing phrases to match our drawings Next Week We Will Learn: Counting syllables in a word Reading sight word reader books Importance of American Flag Christopher Columbus Day New Sight words: be, this, from October 11- Papa Johns Night October 14- Report Cards Issued JackOJog- October 22 We are selling raffle tickets for door prizes. All money benefits HNH. Please come to the school and if you’re interested in buying raffle tickets. October 20- Healthy Habits Day October 23- Red Ribbon Week- details to come Classroom Wish List: Disinfecting Wipes Snacks Ziploc Bags Maddie- 16th Birthdays celebrated on Fridays at 2:00. Refer to the October Homework Calendar. This was sent home Friday. Practice sight words and counting to 100 by 1s and 10s! 229-225-3908 Green folder communication log