Pencil, highlighter, red pen, calculator U10D10 Have out: Bellwork: 1. Solve for x. a) b) 2. Write the standard (expanded) form equation of a quartic polynomial P(x) with zeros and –2i. total:
Bellwork: 1. Solve for x. a) b) +3 +3 +25 +25 +2 factor +1 +1 ZPP +1
2. Write the standard (expanded) form equation of a quartic polynomial P(x) with zeros and –2i. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +3 total:
It’s time to grade the Study Team Test. Take out a red pen. It’s time to grade the Study Team Test.
Unit 10 Test Date: tomorrow Bring: Pencils, erasers, highlighter, 3x5 notecard, NON – GRAPHING calculator 3x5 notecard: Worth 5 assignment points. Must be turned in with the exam We will begin the test immediately. If you know you take a long time on tests, then get to class quickly to begin. You will not be allowed to have extra time during lunch or after school.