SLOVENE NATIONAL STATISTICS International relations MF SORS BS AJPES Slide 2: Internation Co-operation It is important, as it very much contributes to institutinal stranhthening (administrative capacity and statistical infrastructure), know how and more funds available At the biginning it is centralized, graually dentralized SORS Statistical co-operation with international organizations and Eurostat was, at the beginning Rther centralised. The more international and especially AC requirements were part of experts' daily work and statistical experts able to respond to changes, the more the responsibility has been attached to middle management (heads of units), while senior management has kept the responsibility for developing and setting general objectives (guiding) and supervision and yet also not so rarly in daily operations. ES PD I I IPH HII
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN SLOVENE STATISTICS The role of International Co-operation Legal Framework /strategic decisions Strategic Management Framework Co-ordination Discussion
THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION To a great extent contributes to strenghtening of NSI Needs to work closely with the DG/high management and provide support for (pro-)active interventions and decision-making Needs to be well co-ordinated and fully integrated into daily work
LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF SLOVENE STATISTICS ENABLES: Rapid adoption and implementation of strategic objectives and operational tasks Strong co-ordination Access to all administrative records at micro level, with ID numbers Authorised producers have to separately organize statistical activities and respect statistical principles (confidentiality, etc.)
NATIONAL STATISTICS SYSTEM BS HII statistics MF statistics statistics SORS statistics SC SAC AJPES statistics ES statistics statistics IPH PDI I
LEGAL FRAMEWORK (cont.) Important issue: the status of NSI, reflected in involvement of NSI’s DG in budgetary discussions & relevant government committees Difficult issue: enforcement of the right to have access to micro data in all administrative sources (tax data) for statistical purposes Solution: co-operation agreements with all holders of administrative sources
LEGAL FRAMEWORK (cont.) Lessons learned: Long-term process, EU assistance,lobbying Team work, strong involvement of high management Balance between advanced and adopted solutions Adoption/implementation in hands of NSI
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK MONITORING OF STATISTICAL NEEDS Mechanisms: needs assessment, (pro-activness in governmental bodies), daily needs monitoring (national +EU) on all levels; Structures for monitoring and assessments of needs (SORS, SC and SAC)
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK FORMULATION OF STRATEGY Changes in AC = changes in objectives = reformulation of a strategy The core issue of present strategy are users, reflected in: Mission Vision Values and Strategic objectives Strategy incorporated in the Mid-term PSS
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK PRIORITY SETTING Mid-term/annual programmes and priorities More flexible adoption of MP and AP Demands/priorities for statistics justified by users (SC+SAC) – needs balancing New urgent needs incorporated in AP, resetting Monitoring of needs and priority setting a permanent, continuos task for better statistics
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK FORMULATION OF STRATEGY (cont.) Lessons learned: Without strong co-ordination, the possibility to formulate a strategy is limited A good strategy has limitless possibilities of application (visibility, resources) Follow-up and reporting on programmes important for greater quality and visibility
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Work programme is prepared on the basis of the resources (national +Phare + selling) New urgent demands require resetting of priorities and increase of efficiency of national statistics The better needs monitoring, the less new urgent needs, fewer interventions in AP Best combination of data sources and resources available for outputs is a permanent challenge Postponed tasks stated in AP (too low budget)
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK HUMAN RESOURCES Competency of staff and knowledge increases administrative capacity of SORS and is a strategic objective, therefore: Career promotion programmes Recruitment of trainees, scholarships Internal training by well established reporting system from variety of meetings, available to anybody on the bulletin board Measurement of staff satisfaction
CO-ORDINATION RELATIONS WITH USERS It is SORS high interest to have the consent of users on needs/ priorities, e.g. their high involvement in programmes – Users forums Provisions on the users’ forums are incorporated in the National Statistics Act Statistical Council: strategic & development issues Statistical Advisory Committees (24) for different fields of national statistics (528 persons involved) and Other forms of co-operation Measurement of users satisfaction
RELATIONS WITH OTHER INVOLVED Each groups requires different treatment: Public authorities – co-operation agreements with holders of administrative sources Data producers Media Research and Academia