Monday, 3.5.17 Warm-up: In the warm-up section of your binder (not on a scrap sheet), answer the following question: Imagine you are forced to leave your home suddenly by police or soldiers. You do not know why. Describe how you would feel, what would most concern you, and what you would take with you.
Monday, 3.5.17 Simulation Wrap-up: If someone asked you about the Holocaust, what would you say now that you wouldn’t have said two weeks ago? Explain.
Monday, 3.5.17 Today: - Review annotation guide - Read a short story about Japanese Interment Camps - Learn and practice annotation - Learn and practice discussion
The story we are reading today is about Japanese Internment Camps… Unit Goal: Talk intelligently about what we read The story we are reading today is about Japanese Internment Camps…
Unit Goal: Talk intelligently about what we read To achieve this goal, we are going to record quotations from the story and make observations (insights, comments, explanations) about the text Step 1: Teacher model Step 2: Student read and practice
Unit Goal: Talk intelligently about what we read Based on what I read aloud and modeled ,what from the annotation guide do you think we should focus on as we continue reading alone?
Reflection 1) What moral or message do you think the author wanted you to take away from this story? 2) Of all the quotations you recorded, which was most significant to your understanding of the story? 3) Why?