Please grab your Chromebook on the way in. Do not open it yet please. In your notebook: What job will you be researching and presenting?
Job Presentation: Intro & Info Mr. Short Public Speaking 1 & 2 May 2019
Today’s Schedule Research Information Google Slides Preview
Presentation Info: This is a 2-4 minute presentation Use Google Slides to display images. Between 6-10 images (max 3 per slide). LIMITED TEXT. Use your verbal delivery for information. Only a few words on each slide. Use the internet to find info & pics. Copy the URL for a “light” works cited.
10 Minutes of Research: FIRST, for any presentation, you must have good content. Use the next 10 minutes to find information about your career. Citations: Be sure to copy and paste URLs to the material you will be using.
Presentation Info: Information to include: Information to include: Job title Education or certification needed Specific courses enrolled Average salary NYS or other states Common tasks or duties Daily responsibilities Useful abilities and skills Personality type or individual’s interests Information to include: Perks & drawbacks of job What is great & what might be challenging? Your personal interest in the work Why do you want to do this? What’s cool? Your path to earning this position What steps will you take?
Google Slides: Packaging the information you have is important as well. Follow the instructions on the following slides to prepare your presentation
Share: File Titling: DAY 2/4 Classes DAY 1/3 Classes Period 2 Job P2A Period 9 Job P9A Period 2 Job P2B Period 9 Job P9B
The First Thing: File Title The file title is important!
Job Title Name & Period Simple Dark Theme Set-Up: Job Title Name & Period Simple Dark Theme
Works Cited: Be sure to cite your sources by pasting URLs on your final slide. This is not official MLA citation, but light citation.
Select “Large” Images:
Completing Work: BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE: Be sure you’ve shared your slides with Mr. Short. Use the time remaining in class to: Gather pictures and information. Organize your Google Slides document. Plan your verbal presentation.
“Wireless Presenter”
“Wireless Presenter”
Prepare w audience in mind Homework: Get more information. Next Class: Google Slides work. Next Next Class: Job presentation rehearsal. Prepare w audience in mind