About us We are platform between teachers, students and Wikipedia. Since 2011 Decentralized team of 2-5 coordinators. 7 ambassadors (+ 6 potencional)
Participating To this time 28 classes from 7 universities (one class from 15 to 60 students) was involved. Ca. 750 students National Heritage Institute (CZ) is involved with one class. Connection with project Protected areas
Strategy Program page with simple help page Learning presentations Marking articles with template Watching last changes of students Advices on talk page. Social media Promoting
Professor‘s strategy Students which understand Wikipedia are helping to others. Working (only helping) in groups of 2-4 students.
Poster Brochure
Goals Only for first year of our program (2011/2012) studenst contributed with 2 milions of text characters (ca. 1300 standart pages). In our program are involved ca. two-thirds of all universities of our state. 5 professors managed their classes only with little help and own strategy. the myths about Wikipedia are disappearing. our program was in several newspapers.
Results 2 articles at least are featured articles, but many wasn‘t still nominated. ca. 5% of all students continued to edit Wikipedia. According to survey, for half stu. editing was very enjoying. Students want better help pages and some instructional videos.