Diabetes Nurse Support Aim to work with practices to improve treatment to target by looking at patients not on optimum treatment for BP, TC & DM New Role:I am here to help Initially meeting with Practice managers & Diabetes Nurses
Sharing best practice across the patch Sharing best practice across the patch. Looking @ ECLIPSE data some practices are doing very well with treatment to target . How do they do it? Let’s share best practice Some practices do not appear to have a good template for use in their clinic. The aim will be to have a universal DM template which fulfils all the care processes and more. It is user friendly & also has links to PIL’s that can be printed & given to patient. Compact DM care plan that patients actually use & do not throw away. Can look at appropriate audit if necessary & help advise.
New LES involves MDT meetings which target patients not on optimum treatment. Patient notes can be reviewed by GP & nurse, medication titrated & patient informed. Easy to review multiple notes within an hour. Outcome documented on template. Patients can be contacted by admin about any medication change & advised if need to come for review