AAAA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM A GUIDE FOR THE CHAPTER’S VP OF SCHOLARSHIP What you need to know………… Michael E. Freeman, President POC: Sue Stokes 203-268-2450
Agenda Scholarship Foundation Information Foundation Performance Chapter Categories Scholarships Awarded 5. Types of Scholarships A. Perpetual Matching B. Annual Matching 6. Scholarship Timelines 7. Scholarship Link Information
AAAA Scholarship Foundation Program, Inc. (SFI) Created in 1963, to secure contributions to fund college entrance level scholarships for children of AAAA members and deceased members. A the Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation under Section 501 (C)(3). A volunteer Board of Governors, supported by AAAA National Office Staff. AAAA absorbs our expenses; 100% of every donation goes directly to scholarships.
SFI Performance Input Output 546 Applications reviewed (2015) $5,850,000.00 provided in scholarships since 1963 First award $1,500.00 to Joel Graft. 282 Scholarships awarded (2015) totaling $451,500.00; approximately 50% selection rate 3,000 Students Recipients; 2015 Success rates per demographic group were: 40% of enlisted applicants were selected for scholarships 49% of NCO applicants were selected for scholarships 44% of warrant applicants were selected for scholarships 52% of commissioned applicants were selected for scholarships 58% of civilian applicants were selected for scholarships
Chapter‘s Category and Maximum Annual Matched Amount All chapters are divided into categories based on their membership. An email goes out quarterly designating the chapter’s category. Super Chapters (500+ members) have the largest membership and receive up to $3,000 matched annually Master Chapters (200+ members) receive up to $4,000 matched annually Senior Chapters (75+ members) receive up to $5,000 matched annually AAAA Chapters receive up to $5,000 matched annually (Chapters with less than 100 members as of January 1st of the year in which the grant is to be awarded may donate as little as $500 to the scholarship program and receive a match.)
Scholarships by Chapter Note: 546 Files reviewed 282 Scholarships awarded; totaling $451,500.00 $
Two Types of Scholarships Perpetual Matching Annual Matching VS
Perpetual Matching Scholarship An Endowed (Perpetual) Fund established by a Chapter Minimum $30,000 threshold Yield - Perpetual $1,000 per year award (Based on the 3.5% “Spending Rate”) Chapter’s account reaches $30,000 (a minimum of $28,600 will yield a $1000) a scholarship will be awarded To initiate Perpetual Matching Scholarship Prepare the Perpetual (Endowed) Chapter Matching Fund Form (Quad –a website) Submit form with donation to AAAA SFI office
Annual Matching Scholarship An Annual Matching Scholarship established by a Chapter All donated funds are matched and disbursed in the year received. To initiate Annual Matching Scholarship Prepare the Annual Chapter Matching Fund Form (Quad-a website) Submit form with donation to AAAA SFI office
Scholarship Timeline Mid-July – Meeting of the BOG and the Awards Committee to read and rank the Applications. Some Applicant files are voted electronically. End of July – Early August – All votes are tallied, the final OML is established and Scholarship Selection is performed. Mid-Late August – Chapter Officers are notified of winners. Notification letters go out to the winners and non-winners. Chapters notify us if they want certificates to present to their winners. September – Winners are mailed certificates and copies of the Aug/Sep Magazine. September – December – Award checks are mailed and we gear up for next year’s program. January-April – The pre-qualifying form becomes available on the website. Applicants are approved and sent the link to the Application Form via email. May 1 – Deadline for Applicants to complete and submit their portion of the application. Mid-May – The chapters receive two mailings, one for the Perpetual Matching Fund Program and one for the Annual Matching Fund Program. These mailings go out via email and also via snail mail. June 1 – Deadline for Applicants’ References and Recommenders to submit their portion of the Application. June 15 – Deadline for Chapters to respond to the mailings with their intention for the current year’s Scholarship Program. If your chapter has a Perpetual Matching Scholarship with a spend rate equaling $1000 or more, an award will go out even if you do not respond to the mailing.
Scholarship Information Link AAAA website: “Scholarship” from the quick menu Scholarship FAQ “What is the Chapter Matching Fund Program?” “Next Steps” you will see links to the Annual and the Perpetual Chapter Matching Fund forms. Download the form Complete and email to or mail it with your check.
Lastly… Return the completed form and your donation to the AAAA SFI office by June 15. Be sure to make the check out to: AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc. or AAAA SFI.
Notes For Preparing Forms Fill in the year in which your donation is to be applied. Fill in the amount of your donation. Fill in the matched amount based on your donation and your Chapter’s category. Include the name and amount of each Scholarship Award. Include the pay-out, whether one-time or over 2 to 4 years (for awards $2000 and over).
Choose Option 1 or Option 2. If Option 1 is chosen your award will go out even if there are no applicants from your Chapter or if there are not enough applicants to receive the chapter’s awards after the awarding of other larger non-chapter awards. If Option 2 is chosen the award will be held till the following year if there are no applicants from the chapter, or if there are not enough applicants to receive the chapter’s awards after the awarding of other larger non-chapter scholarships.