(1) What caused the German people to trust and support Hitler? Video: “THE PATH TO NAZI GENOCIDE” (13:20 – 37:25) (1) What caused the German people to trust and support Hitler? (2) Summarize the progression of Nazi persecution and murder towards Jewish peoples?
Questions to Consider: (1) How did the Nazis accomplish the Holocaust? (2) To what extent were average German citizens aware of the Holocaust?
Einsatzgruppen Four special military units that executed massacres …
Questions to Consider: * How does hatred occur? * How did this happen in Germany?
Psychologically, how did this Happened? Gordon Allport’s, a psychologist and sociologist Developed a “Scale of Prejudice and Discrimination” - From The Nature of Prejudice
Scale (Progression) of Prejudice 1 – “Antilocution” – when a group believes negative images of people outside one’s own group (begins with predilection, forming preferences) 2 – Avoidance – avoiding the minority group; no direct harm in initiated, but psychological harm may result from exclusion 3 – Discrimination – Calculated harm, denying opportunities 4 – Physical Attack – violent attack begins, could also include vandalism 5 – Extermination – genocide, complete elimination of other group * Prejudice? * Discrimination? * Violence? * Hatred?
Youth were indoctrinated to see Hitler as a loving protector.
"The Jew is our greatest enemy! Beware of the Jew!"
Scale (Progression) of Prejudice 1 – “Antilocution” – when a group believes negative images of people outside one’s own group (begins with predilection, forming preferences) 2 – Avoidance – avoiding the minority group; no direct harm in initiated, but psychological harm may result from exclusion 3 – Discrimination – Calculated harm, denying opportunities 4 – Physical Attack – violent attack begins, could also include vandalism 5 – Extermination – genocide, complete elimination of other group * Prejudice? * Discrimination? * Violence? * Hatred?
1939 German soldiers brutalizing a Jew in the street.
Main entrance to Auschwitz “Work makes one free.”
Scale (Progression) of Prejudice 1 – “Antilocution” – when a group believes negative images of people outside one’s own group (begins with predilection, forming preferences) 2 – Avoidance – avoiding the minority group; no direct harm in initiated, but psychological harm may result from exclusion 3 – Discrimination – Calculated harm, denying opportunities 4 – Physical Attack – violent attack begins, could also include vandalism 5 – Extermination – genocide, complete elimination of other group * Prejudice? * Discrimination? * Violence? * Hatred?
What is Genocide? The legal definition is … “… the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.” From: Office of the High Commission for Human Rights. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Wikipedia.org
Eugenics False science of racial identity based on physical features Eugenics False science of racial identity based on physical features. Jews were considered racially inferior to “Aryans.”
Why Did Germans Support Hitler? ** Hard to truly answer this question!!! No simple answers.
Why Did People Support Hitler? ** Hard to truly answer this question!!! No simple answers. Propaganda - Scapegoat Existing Anti-Semitism - “Pogroms” Economic Prosperity under Hitler Fear of being a target yourself Other Possible Explanations: German peoples hatred of the Treaty of Versailles?? Lack of strong democratic tradition??
Propaganda “You will think the way I tell you to think.”
1930’s Children’s Book What a greedy Jew looks like… [from “The Poison Mushroom” required reading in elementary schools under Nazi authority]
1930’s Children’s Book "Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal..."
“How Jewish traders cheat us. ” 1930’s Children’s Book “How Jewish traders cheat us. ” From “The Poison Mushroom”
“The eternal Jew” always taking money [German propaganda poster, 1935] Linking the idea of racially identifiable Jews with Bolshevism, Communism, inferior physical and moral characteristics – a constant theme. “The eternal Jew” always taking money [German propaganda poster, 1935]
What a proper German looks like…
Nazification replaces education in schools Book burning Fewer academics Physical conditioning "Hitler our last hope"; "Therefore come to us!" Austrian political poster 1936-1938
Public burning of “un-German” books in Berlin, May 10, 1933 Public burning of “un-German” books in Berlin, May 10, 1933. SA officers and college students. SA stands for Sturmabteilung, or Storm Troopers. Nazi academics had been eager to eliminate books that promote thinking outside Nazi belief, including religion, communism…Jewish authors, in particular.
Students engaged more in physical and military training exercises, less in academics.
By 1937, 95% of teachers belonged to the Nazi Teachers’ League Why would teachers do this? Peer pressure, fear, job security, just make things easier. By 1937, 95% of teachers belonged to the Nazi Teachers’ League
Slide comparing racially mixed man with healthy “Aryan” man
Propaganda posters on public display
Postcard showing Nazi soldier waving large swastika flag standing on a mountain ridge, overlooking a valley.
Huge rallies were staged and broadcast via radio Hitler ordered all but the official Nazi radio transmission to be cancelled. There was no television, computer, cell phone or other electronic visual technology in the home. “We are yours” is depicted in the stadium. Huge rallies were staged and broadcast via radio
(1) What caused the German people to trust and support Hitler? Video: “THE PATH TO NAZI GENOCIDE” (13:20 – 37:25) (1) What caused the German people to trust and support Hitler? (2) Summarize the progression of Nazi persecution and murder towards Jewish peoples? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRcNq4OYTyE Get to 26:00 on day 1