Input from users in inspections


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Presentation transcript:

Input from users in inspections 27th EPSO-Conference & Working groups 10-12th April 2019 Porto, Portugal Sigríður Jónsdóttir i

Monitoring and Inspection settings Care Quality Inspectorate for Social Services and Child Protection – less than one year old. We inspect and monitor services based on following acts The Local Authority Social Services Act Act on Services for Persons with Disabilities with prolonged service needs. 72 Local Authorities – ranging from 40 to 129.000 inhabitants Types of services. Institutions for children and youth Residential care and institutions in the community for children and adults with disabilities Persons with user led personal assistance Social Home Care Community services 14. maí 2019

Different methods and ways of gathering data from users Different methods and ways of gathering data from users. Empowerment and user involvement. CQI is in the process of developing Quality Standards in co-operation with Local Authority Social Services, Interest Groups, User Associations, Institutions. Research results built on user surveys. Social Science Research Institute. Evidence based information on best practises and good working methods. Rights Protection Officers for disabled persons. Specialist team on avoiding coercion in service provision. 14. maí 2019

Examples of user input in inspections. Inspection where information is gathered from staff in Child Protection Committees in Iceland and staff of the Government Agency for Child Protection, by using a quantiative survey method in 1st phase and a qualitative study to follow up. Inspection in a small local authority where all service users and members of staff are interviewed. Inspection in a residential home. Interview technique with use of pictures. Disabled person, personal spokesmen, relatives, staff, partners from social services interviewed. Inspections in institutions for children and youth. Interviews with young persons, staff and parents. 14. maí 2019

14. maí 2019

Questions for discussion What are the best methods in obtaining information from users/patients? Give examples of methods that have worked well in obtaining information from users/patients. How can users/patients be involved directly in inspection of services? Can you share experience of involving users/patients in the inspection process? What are the main benefits of involving users/patients? 14. maí 2019