European Commission expert group on forest fires


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Presentation transcript:

Preparatory Action : Future legal base on harmonised EU forest information European Commission expert group on forest fires Antalya, 26 April 2012 Ernst Schulte, DG ENV

Budget: 1 Million € Why? To contribute maintaining and further developing an EU level framework for comparable and harmonised forest information collected by the Member States What? Quantitative and qualitative forest data related to sustainable forest management, climate change, air pollution, biodiversity, forest condition and ownership, as well as socioeconomic aspects. Where? The European Forest Data Centre (EFDAC) as single focal point for policy relevant forest data and information.

Budget and timing An Administrative arrangement between DG ENV and the JRC (€ 650,000) to be signed second quarter of 2012 A cross-subelegation agreement by the JRC (€ 350,000). Two contracts will be signed before end 2012. All work to be performed within a period of three years.

Administrative Arrangement 1. Development of harmonised forest data sets in the European region with a special emphasis on the Mediterranean [forest resources (wood/biomass), biodiversity, forest health (including damages), socio-economic information, including ownership, protective functions] 2. testing of climate change indicators, especially in the Mediterranean region 3. Integration of results in EFDAC by creating a new module on the potential harmful effects of climate change to forests

Cross-subdelegation agreement 1. To perform a comprehensive analysis on the potential effects of climate change in the production of ecosystem services, including wood and non-wood products, with a focus on Mediterranean countries. 2. Two contracts: 2.a establishment of a database on forest poilicy relevant information in the context of climate change scenarios (estimated E 200,000) 2b scenario analysis for the Mediterranean EU countries on potential effects of climate change on forest ecosystems with links to research projects, such as MOTIVE, INTEGRAL or TREES4FUTURE (€ 150,000)

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