Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 39 Topic: 6 Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 39 Topic: 6.6 Aging and Skin Cancer Essential Questions: What is the most common type of skin cancer? WHO is most likely to develop this cancer? 6.6 Aging and Skin Cancer 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules What is the most common type of skin cancer? WHO is most likely to develop this cancer?
Objective Students will understand the life-span changes in the integumentary system Students will create a tree-map classifying two types of cancer using Clinical Application 6.1 as a source
Life Span Changes Why are we more aware of aging-related changes in skin than in other organ systems? We can easily see them Aging affects appearance
Life Span Changes Aging skin affects appearance, temperature regulation, and vitamin D activation
Life Span Changes- Epidermis Thins Epidermal cells grow larger and irregular in shape Skin may appear scaly Age spots or liver spots appear/grow (due to oxidation of fat)
Life Span Changes-Dermis Dermis is reduced Less collagen Loss of fat Sagging and wrinkling of the skin Delay of wound healing
Life Span Changes- Accessory Structures What types of changes have you observed as people get older for: Hair Skin color Nails Temperature Regulation Skin texture
Life Span Changes-Accessory Structures Hair: Melanin production slows Grays or whitens hair Hair follicles decrease in # Hair thins Skin color: Fewer blood vessels underlying the skin May appear pale
Life Span Changes-Accessory Structures Accessory Structures Cont’: Nails: Diminished blood supply to nails impairs growth Dull and hardened Oil glands: Decrease oil production Dry skin Pain/Pressure Receptors: #s Decline Less sensitive
Life Span Changes-Accessory Structures Temperature Regulation: Ability to shiver + sweat declines as hair follicles shrink and sweat gland #s decrease Less able to tolerate hot/cold
Life Span Changes What types of changes have you observed as people get older for: Posture Height
Life Span Changes-Accessory Structures Vitamin D production: Vitamin D production goes down Loss of ability to maintain bone structure Must take vitamins
Skin Cancer Skin Cancer begins when UV radiation mutates the DNA of a skin cell Usually arises from: Non-pigmented epithelial cells within the epidermis OR From pigmented melanocytes in the dermis
Clinical Application 6.1 P. 38 Read and highlight Clinical App Fill out a tree-map on p. 38 of your notebook using your Clinical App as a source 3. Read and Highlight the CDC’s “A tan is not a sign of health”
Clinical Application 6.1 P. 38 Fill out your tree-map on p. 38 of your notebook using your Clinical App as a source Skin Cancer Cutaneous Carcinomas Cutaneous Melanomas Type of cells it arises from Age range usually affected Skin color usually affected Type of sun exposure associated with each Place(s) on body most commonly found Describe its growth pattern Treatment options
Skin Cancer Project Grouping You will be working on a Skin Cancer Research Project 9- 10 groups (depending on period) Need to decide grouping today—divide work up LOTS of people absent tomorrow/Monday—they need to have an assigned part Due end of period MONDAY INFORMAL PRESENTATIONS on TUESDAY P1: 7 groups of 4 + 2 groups of 3 = 34 P2: 9 groups of 4= 36 P3: 8 groups of 4 + 2 groups of 3= 38 P5: 8 groups of 4 + 2 groups of 3 = 38
Day 1 As a group you will design a Google Slide presentation to educate the class on a particular topic related to skin cancer. Groups assigned by # (1-10) Planning/Research Only one person in the group will submit the project Submit MON by – END OF PERIOD PRESENTATIONS ON Tuesday--- 3-5 min presentations
Objective Students will understand the types, causes, signs and treatment options for skin cancer With their group, students will create a G. Slides presentation about their assigned type/aspect of skin cancer
Day 2 As a group you will design a presentation to educate the class on a particular topic related to skin cancer. Work on Google Slide Presentation
Day 3 As a group you will design a presentation to educate the class on a particular topic related to skin cancer. Work on Google Slide Presentation Turn into Google Classroom under 1 person’s name by the END of the period Must be in Google slides
Skin Cancer Presentations As a group you will present your G. Slide presentations to educate the class on a particular topic related to skin cancer.
Clinical App 6.1 : Cutaneous Carcinomas Cutaneous carcinomas are skin cancers originating from the epithelial cells Most common type of skin cancer Occur most freq. in light-skinned people over 40 yrs old Usually appear in people who are regularly exposed to sunlight Most often on head, neck, face, scalp
Clinical App 6.1 : Cutaneous Carcinomas 2 types: Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Typically SLOW growing Treatment is usually surgical removal or radiation treatment
Clinical App 6.1 : Cutaneous Melanomas Cutaneous Melanomas arise from melanocytes Seems to be caused by short, intermittent exposure to high-intensity sunlight People of ANY age may develop Appear most often in the skin of the trunk, back, and on limbs
Clinical App 6.1 : Cutaneous Melanomas Surgical removal during horizontal growth can take care of the cancer But, once the legion thickens and spreads into deeper tissues, it becomes more difficult to treat, and the survival rate is very low
A Tan is not a sign of health UV Bead Activity--- “The beads help kids from kindergarten to high school see right away that ultraviolet light rays may be invisible and impossible to feel, but they exist and can damage your skin regardless of color” Ex: Bob Marley died of melanoma
Taping Time (if time) 28: Layers of the skin ½ sheet 30: Clinical App 6.2-6.3 32: WebMD- Hypothermia/ Children die after being left in hot car 34: Body Story Video Questions 40: Skin Deep/ Global Map of Indigenous Skin Colors/ The Human Spectrum Web Activity 42: (CLINICAL APP 6.1 will go here)
UV Bead Activity
UV Light Read the background on UV light Highlight important details Fill out the prediction portion on the back of your sheet Come up with 5 tests of your own
UV Light Get in pairs Test as many scenarios as possible Each pair gets 3 beads Test as many scenarios as possible Choose 5 of your own Answer the questions on the bottom
Google Slides-Group Presentation Skin Cancer Project Google Slides-Group Presentation