Chapter 3! Chapter 3 describes the challenges ancient Indian and Chinese rulers faced as they sought to build large empires. It also discusses the emergence of major religions and philosophies.
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3.1 Early Civilization in India As early as 3000 B.C., an advanced civilization known as the: Indus, or Harappan, civilization, emerged in northern India.
It was based around 2 highly organized cities that provided inhabitants with a sewage system and other public works. The Harappan kings claimed to rule with divine assistance. Harappan civilization was crushed when the Aryans, Indo-European nomads, invaded around 1500 B.C.
Indian civilization contributions-from Aryans Hinduism caste system The Sanskrit written language was also developed by the Aryans.
In the sixth century B.C., a doctrine called Buddhism developed as a rival to Hinduism.
The founder, Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, rejected the Hindu belief in multiple deities as well as the rigid caste system. Instead: Four Noble Truths- Pg 78-79 In order to reach nirvana
3.2 New Empires in India
Despite their cultural influence on India, the Aryans never united the region politically.
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The Mauryan dynasty was the first to rule a centralized Indian empire. The Mauryas came to power in 324 B.C., a few years after a failed invasion by Alexander the Great. However, periods of prosperity in India often ended in invasion.
The Kushan Kingdom in what is now Afghanistan replaced the Mauryan dynasty as the major regional power. The Kushans prospered due to trade along the 4,000-mile Silk Road that passed through their territory.
After Persian invaders toppled the Kushans, the Guptas established a new Indian dynasty in A.D. 320. Nomadic Huns eventually put an end to the good fortunes of the Guptas, and the empire dissolved.
Despite periods of disunity, early Indian civilization made lasting contributions. Architecture flourished, and the development of Sanskrit made it possible for Indians to record their great historical epics
Indians also advanced the study of astronomy and mathematics. Their advances were later adopted in the Arab world and in Europe.
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