2 International School on High Energy Physics UERJ – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Session B - Advanced School on High Energy Physics March 27 – 31 L I S H E P CLOSING SESSION We achieve now to the end of our School and I hope it was useful and now you are the experts in Collider Physics. As many of you will participate of the next Session C I will postpone all the acknowledgments that I have to do to the end of Session C.
3 Session C Workshop COLIDER PHYSICS Lots of Results are coming next week……
4 International School on High Energy Physics UERJ – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Session B – Workshop on Collider Physics April L I S H E P Those having registered will have tomorrow a Tour Day, Have a good day! For those going back today and tomorrow HAVE A Good Trip and Thank you again for coming.
5 Please fill the evaluation form. This is important for us. And leave it at the Secretariat Dont forget to take care of yourself.
6 Prof. Gustavo Castelo Branco (LIP/Lisboa) Prof. Oliver Bruni (CERN) Prof. Gustavo Burdman (USP) Prof. Oscar Eboli (USP) Prof. João Fernandes (Caltech/CERN) Prof. Maria Beatriz Gay Ducatti (UFRGS) Prof. Pedro Mercadante (UNESP) Prof. Helayel Neto (CBPF) Prof. Chris Quigg (FNAL) Prof. John Swain (Northeaster U.) Prof. Lucia Silvestris (BARI) Prof. Amedeo Staiano (Torino) Prof. Marilena Streit-Bianchi (CERN) Prof. Renata Zukanovich Funchal (USP) I hope that I did not forget any colleague Then I would like to thank our Lecturers for the GREAT Lectures delivery during this week.
7 Thank you our team of Chairs Sessions: Francisco Caruso Helio da Motta Jose Pedro Jose Roberto Mahon and Secretaries of Sessions Dilson Damião Diogo Figueiredo Elisa Melo Felipe Silva Luciana Ferreira Marco Pacheco Nilton de Freitas Sheila Mara
8 I Would like to thank to our International Advisoring Committee They have made our School a Success suggesting names and Topics to be delivery to the students. Next topic: I hope to repeat Collider Physics
9 LISHEP 2006 I Would like thank the Local Organizing Committee Andre Sznajder (UERJ) Eduardo Revoredo (UERJ) Wanda Prado (UERJ) Maria Elena Pol (CBPF) José Afonso Sanches (UERJ) Jose Roberto Mahon (UERJ) Erick Hoepfner (UERJ) Wagner de Carvalho (UERJ) Helio da Mota (CBPF) Jorge Barreto (UFRJ) Jorge Molina (UERJ) Luiz Mundim (UERJ) Marcia Begalli (UERJ) Moacyr Souza (CBPF) Vitor Oguri (UERJ) Gilvan Alves (CBPF) Carley Martins (UERJ)
10 I would like to do a special thanks to Rosemonde Bettencourt Marcio Faria Eduardo Revoredo José Afonso Sanches Raul Saucedo Carlos Borges Without their helps we could not achieve to this point today. For Those Going To Itacuruçá Island, BE ON TIME PLEASE to take the Bus near the Hotel Gloria and Novo Munco APRIL 2 nd 11:00 AM ROSEMONDE WILL BE IN THE BUS