Unit 3. Save/Restore 3.1 OS/400 save and restore concepts 3.2 Save data offline3 3.3 Restoring data to system 3.4 Automatic Backup by scheduling
Unit Objectives
OS/400 Save/Restore Facility
Tape Fundamentals
Purposes of Tape on iSeries
Tape Labels
Tape Menu
Tape Preparation(INZTAP)
Displaying a Tape (DSPTAP)
Contents of Tape - *LABELS Format
Contents of Tape - *SAVRST Format
Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command The Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command copies the contents of one tape to another tape. You must have two tape drives or a tape media library device with two tape resources to use this command.
Tape message(1/2) When you using tape do something,maybe receive the message about tape: For example: Message ID : CPF6718 Message.... : Cannot allocate device tap01. Cause..... : The device could not be allocated when trying to open the device file to do the command function. The device may be varied off, in use by another job, or in use by an open file in this job. Recovery... : Use the Work with Configuration Status WRKCFGSTS) command specifying the *DEV value for the CFGTYP parameter to verify that the device is varied on and to determine what job is using the device. Try the command again when the device is available.
Tape message(2/2) Message ID : CPF6760 Message.... : Device tap01 not ready. Cause..... : -- The tape may not be loaded. -- The tape may have been a cleaning cartridge. -- If the device is a tape media library device, then the cartridge may not have loaded successfully. Recovery... : Do one of the following: -- If the device is a reel tape drive, make sure the tape is loaded and the online light is on. -- If the tape device is a 1/4 inch cartridge tape drive, unload and reload the cartridge. -- If the device is a tape media library device and the cartridge was not a cleaning cartridge, attempt the command again. -- If the tape device is a 1/2 inch cartridge tape drive or an 8 millimeter cartridge drive, ensure the tape is loaded and the tape drive is ready. If the problem continues, start problem analysis (ANZPRB command). Technical description..
3.2 Saving Data offline
Information That Can Be Saved and Restored
Save Menu +++ +
Save Commands
Saving the System and User Data
Menu Options
Save Storage(SAVSTG) vs Save System(SAVSYS) SAVSYS : Required – Restricted State can save: SAVSTG : Required – Restricted State Copies DASD track by track. Can Only restore entire system. Can t restore single object. OS/400 system objects. Licensed internal code. Optionally, the system configuration. System resource management objects. Security objects. All PTFs. Can Not Saved: IBM licensed programs. Optional parts of OS/400. Folders. Libraries QGPL and QUSRSYS. Any user libraries.
You Cannot Save
When an Object Is Saved
Save Considerations
Save File Example CRTSAVF FILE(LYSAVF) or CLRSAVF FILE(LYSAVF) SAVLIB LIB(LY) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(LYSAVF) DSPSAVF FILE(LYSAVF) SAVSAFDTA SAVF(LYSAVF) DEV(TAP02) * :If the library which include save file LYSAVF does not exit in the library list,you must specify the library. For example:LIBA/LYSAVF
Display Job Log or Display History Log to see if saving is successful DSPLOG DSPJOBLOG Note:If you want know why an object was not saved,you must use DSPJOBLOG
SAVLIB and several important parameters
Use optimum block (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. The possible values are: *YES : The optimum block size supported by the device is used for save commands. If the block size that is used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types, then: o Performance may improve. o The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. o The value for the DTACPR parameter is ignored. If the target release value that is specified is earlier than V3R7M0 then the block size supported by all device types is used. *NO :The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command.
Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore and use the object. When specifying the target-release value, the format VxRxMx is used to specify the release, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V2R3M0 is version 2, release 3,modification level 0. To specify that an object be saved for distribution to a system at a different release level than the system on which the save operation is to occur, the procedure differs for program or non-program objects and by the release level on which a program object is created. If, for example, you are saving an object for distribution to a target system running on an earlier release, you have the following choices: *CURRENT :The object is to be restored to, and used on, the release of the operating system currently running on your system. The object can also be restored to a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV :The object is to be restored to the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. The object can also be restored to a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. target-release :specify the release in the format VxRxMx. The object can be restored to a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. Press F4 to see a list of valid target release values. Notes: 1. If LIB(*NONSYS), LIB(*ALLUSR), or LIB(*IBM) is specified, only the current release can be the target release 2. Not all objects can be targeted to another release. To find out which objects are supported, see the chart in the Backup and Recovery book, SC
Save access paths (ACCPTH) Specifies whether the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files being saved are also saved. The access paths are saved only in the case of the following: o All members on which the access paths are built are included in this save operation. o The access paths are not invalid or damaged at the time of the save. The system checks to ensure the integrity of the access paths. Any discrepancies found by the system will result in the access paths being rebuilt. Informational messages are sent indicating the number of logical file access paths saved with each physical file. All physical files on which an access path is built must be in the same library. This parameter does not save logical file objects; it only controls the saving of the access paths. More information on the restoring of saved access paths is in the Backup and Recovery book, SC The possible values are: *NO : only those objects specified on the command are saved. No logical file access paths are saved. *YES : The specified physical files and all eligible logical file access paths over them are saved Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. The possible values are: *DEV : If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression prompt (DTACPR parameter) and the Data compaction prompt (COMPACT parameter), only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed. *NO : No data compression is performed. *YES : If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. If compression is not supported,or if the save data is written to optical, diskette, or save file, software compression is performed. If the save is running while other jobs on the system are active and software compression is used, the overall system performance may be affected..
SAVCHGOBJ and several important parameters
Reference date (REFDATE) Specifies the reference date. Objects that have been changed since this date are saved. The possible values are : *SAVLIB : The objects that have been changed since the date of the last running of the Save Library (SAVLIB) command are saved. If the specified library was never saved, a message is issued and the library is not saved, but the operation continues. reference-date : Specify the reference date. Objects that have been changed since this date are saved. If you specify a date later than the date of the running of this command, a message is issued and the operation Attention: parameters object,library,device are the command requeid parameters,that is you must enter the values for them.
Free Storage Function
3.3 Restoring Data to system
Restoring Objects to Disk
Restore Commands
Notes: The graphic shows the menu options and commands that are available for restoring information. It also shows the normal sequence for restoring information, working from top to bottom. When you restore something,you must put the system in a restricted state. The options that required a restricted state are: User profiles System and user data System data only All user data All libraries other that system library
Restore Menu
What Is Restored?
Complete System Restore (1 of 2)
Complete System Restore (2 of 2)
Restore-while-active Three restore commands allow restore-while-active: RSTOBJ RSTLIB RST
Restore object command and parameters
Saved library (SAVLIB) - Specifies the name of the library that contained the saved objects. If the Restore to library prompt (RSTLIB parameter) is not specified, this is also the name of the library to which the objects are restored. Specify the name of the library. Restore to library (RSTLIB) - Specifies whether the objects are restored to a different library or to the same library where they were saved. The possible values are: *SAVLIB :The objects are restored to the same library from which they were saved. library-name : Specify the name of the library to which the saved objects are restored. Date when saved (SAVDATE) - Specifies the date when the objects were saved. If the most recently saved version is not the one being restored, or if multiple saved versions exist on the media volume, specify the date that indicates which version of the objects to restore. The date must be specified in the job date format. If a volume identifier or *MOUNTED is specified on the Volume identifier prompt (VOL parameter), but SAVDATE is not, the version of the objects that is restored is the first version found on the volume. This parameter is valid only if a volume identifier or *MOUNTED is specified on the Volume identifier prompt (VOL parameter) or if a Save file prompt (SAVF parameter) is specified. This parameter is ignored when the Sequence number prompt (SEQNBR parameter) is specified. Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF): Specifies whether certain differences encountered during a restore operation are allowed. The differences include: o Ownership--the owner of the object on the system is different than the owner of the object from the save operation. o File creation date--the creation date of the database file on the system does not match the creation date of the file that was saved. o Member creation date--the creation date of the database file member on the system does not match the creation date of the member that was saved. o Validation value verification--The validation value created at the time an object was created does not match the validation value
created during the restore operation of an object on a system with a QSECURITY level of 40 or higher. o Authorization list linking--the object is being restored to a system different from the one on which it was saved. Note: To use this parameter, you need *ALLOBJ special authority. The possible values are: *NONE : None of the differences described above are allowed on the restore operation. For validation value verification failure cases, the object is restored but ownership is transferred to QDFTOWN and all authorities are revoked. For authorization list cases, the object is restored, but the object is not linked to the authorization list, and public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. For all other cases, a diagnostic message is sent for the object, and the object is not restored. *ALL: All of the differences listed above are allowed for the restore operation. An informational message is sent, except for validation value verification and authorization list linking cases, and the object is restored. The following should be noted: o If object differences are found, the final message for the restore operation is an escape message rather than the normal completion message. o If the media and system owner of the object do not match, the system owner becomes the owner of the object. o If there is a file level mismatch and *ALL is specified on this parameter and the Data base member option prompt (MBROPT parameter), the existing version of the file is renamed and the saved version of the file is restored. If there is a member level mismatch, the existing version of the member is renamed and the saved version of the member is restored. o If the system security level is 40, you are restoring a program, you specify *ALL, and the program's validation value is missing or incorrect, the program is restored without authority changes. For programs without a validation value, specifying *ALL also prevents the system from attempting to translate the program again. o If you are restoring objects to a system different from the one on which they were saved and the objects are secured by an authorization list, specifying *ALL automatically links the objects to the authorization list again. If the authorization list does not exist on the new system, a message that includes the name of the missing list is issued and the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE.
3.4 Automatic Backup by scheduling
Operational Assistant Backup
Automatic Default Backups
1. Select 10 in the BACKUP menu 2. GO SETUPBCKUP Set Up Backup If you want to configuration daily backup option select 1.
Configuration daily backup Note :In this panel,you can not configuration a library which will be backup daily,but you can select the library backup list.
Configuration library backup list Note:In this panel,you can determine or configuration if one library will be backup daily or weekly or monthly. = > In the menu SETUPBCKUP,select 10.
Configuration backup schedule = > In the menu SETUPBCKUP,select 20. Note:In this panel,you can configuration the running time for daily weekly monthly ; if run backup using this schedule ; how many hours before backup to send load tape message to operator.
Exercise – Save and Restore
Unit Summary