Parametric Yield Estimation Considering Leakage Variability Rajeev Rao, Anirudh Devgan, David Blaauw, Dennis Sylvester Present by Fengbo Ren Apr. 30 2009
Outline Introduction & Motivation Multiple sources of Variability Leakage Estimation Yield Analysis Summary
Leakage Leakage is increasing dramatically with each technology node Fundamental scaling causes this increase in leakage Leakage varies super linearly with process variation, temperature and voltage As we know that, as the technology keep scaling down, the leakage increase dramatically. This picture shows the leakage predicted by ITRS. You can see that first, people think leakage will increase linearly, and then super linearly. This is because that leakage is has inversely exponential relationship with Vth. As we keep scale down the Vth, leakage will increase dramatically. International Technology Roadmap IBM, R. Puri, et al, DAC 03 Gate Sub-Threshold Leakage has two main components Sub threshold leakage Gate Leakage
Yield Number of Parts Minimum Ship Frequency Design Spread Slow Fast
Leakage Variability This inverse correlation is illustrated. When frequency is high, the leakage varies a lot. Both mean and variance increase significantly. This trend is particularly troubling since it substantially reduces the yield of designs that are both performance and leakage constrained. Hence, there is a need for accurate leakage yield prediction methods that model this dependency. Observation: Some fast chip consume much larger leakage power Less L -> less delay -> greatly increase leakage (inverse relationship between delay and leakage) Decrease yield if we set both performance and leakage as constrains
Motivation Develop a complete stochastic model for leakage current that includes the effects from multiple sources of variability and captures the dependence of the leakage current distribution on operating frequency. Present an analytical method to quantify the new yield loss when a power limit is also imposed.
What is leakage? Drain Isub is the drain-to-source current when the channel is turned “off” For Isub Vg = ‘0’ Igate is the current due to electrons tunneling through the gate-oxide For Igate Vg = ‘1’ Gate Source Isub Igate It is estimated that across successive technology generations, sub-threshold leakage increases by about 5X while gate leakage can increase by as much as 30X.
What affects Leakage? Input pattern vector (state) Operating Environment (Temperature, VDD, …) Gate Sub-Threshold How many variables that we need to consider when we talk about the leakage. In this paper, the leakage current is modeled also as a function of these process variations. Which are effective channel length, threshold voltage, and oxide thickness. Process Variations (DL, VT, TOX, …) Topology
Leakage and Process Variations Ileakage = Inominal ⋅ f(ΔP) where P is the process parameter that affects the leakage current We further decompose parameter P into two components: ΔP = ΔPglobal + ΔPlocal both Δpglobal and ΔPlocal are generally modeled as independent normal random variables making ΔP also a normal random variable. Global means die to die, which is the variation between different chip on the same wafer, local means within die, which is the variation between different transistors in the same chip. both Δpglobal and ΔPlocal are generally modeled as independent normal random variables making ΔP also a normal random variable. Since we are only dealing with the deviation from nominal, ΔP is a zero mean variable.
Multiple Sources of Variability Three sources of variability are modeled Leff, Vt-Doping, Tox Local and global variations for each They are treated as independent wrt each other Chip Mean Leff With-in Chip Leff Variations Chip Mean Vt-D Vt-Doping Variations With-in Chip Chip Mean Tox With-in Chip Tox Variations There are three sources of variability. They are effective channel length, threshold voltage and thickness of oxide. Each of them are decomposed into two part, which are global one and local one.
Leakage model basics Total Leakage = Subthreshold + Gate Subthreshold leakage affected by: Effective channel length (Leff=L) Doping (Vth,Nch=V) Gate leakage affected by: Oxide thickness (Tox=T) Process parameters P = {L, V, T} modeled as independent random variables Empirical models for f(DP)
Sub-threshold Leakage Model Use a polynomial-exponential model Decompose L, V into global (Lg,Vg) and local (Ll, Vl) components Previously, leakage had been modeled as a single exponential function of the effective channel length, but as the authors show in a polynomial exponential model is much more accurate in capturing the dependency of leakage on effective channel length. Hence, we use a quadratic exponential model to express f(ΔLeff).
Gate leakage model Use exponential model Decompose T into global (Tg) and local (Tl) components
Leakage and with-in chip Leff Variability Given the large number of transistors on the chip, the total leakage is The local variability simply reduces to a scaling factor on leakage
Leakage & with-in Chip Variability The local variability is a scaling factor Just as for Leff, there are scaling factors for Vt and Tox variability
Performance and Variations 17 stage ring oscillator, 100nm, for different process cond. Performance depends on Lg, Vg, Tg However, strongest correlation is between delay & effective gate length Author also run another simulation to figure out how this three parameters affect performance. In principle IC or processor frequency depends on all major process parameters, such as gate length, doping concentration, oxide thickness. However, he found from SPICE simulations that circuit delay is primarily impacted by gate length variations. simulated a 17-stage ring oscillator for different process conditions using the BPTM 100nm process technology as shown in Figure 2. that circuit delay is primarily impacted by gate length variations. So, in this paper author assume here that frequency will vary with L variation, but given a fixed L, frequency will not vary.
Scatter plot of total circuit leakage Circuit is a large 64-bit adder in 100nm BPTM 7X 3X Vg, Tg responsible for “local” spread in leakage 3X Figure 3 gives the scatter plot of the total circuit leakage. The yaxis in the plot has been normalized to the sample mean of the leakage currents. We see that for a 3σ variation in Lg there is a 7X spread in the leakage. Additionally, for a given Lg, there is a wide distribution in the total circuit leakage. For instance, given Lg = 2σ, the normalized value of total circuit leakage is between 0.5 and 1.7. This large distribution is due to the variation in Vg and Tg. A chip that operates at an acceptable frequency may still have to be discarded because the variability in Vg, Tg pushes its leakage consumption over the tolerable limit. Thus, we see that the secondary variations Vg, Tg play a major role in determining the yield of a lot.
Leakage Scatter we superimpose the sigma contour lines on top of the same leakage scatter plot. For each value of Lg, we calculate (μN,Itot,σN,Itot) and then use Table 1 to construct the contour lines. Leakage is modeled as a composite lognormal PDF distribution
Yield Estimation method Assume frequency and power constraints (Plim) are imposed Full chip leakage is a composite lognormal Performance model is normal CDF for lognormal (LN) gives yield for specific values of Lg Lg Frequency correlation gives yield numbers for each frequency value LN (Isub + Igate) Dev_type (Isub + Igate) Full chip Comp LN (Ileakage) Full chip CDF LN Yield Value Lg
Example yield calculation Reject (Too slow) > 27% loss in the faster corner Reject (Too leaky) ~ 2.5% loss even in the nominal frequency bin Thus, even if the chip designer budgets for 1.75 times the nominal power, there is a loss of 27.4% of the chips operating in the fast corner. Furthermore, even for the nominal value of Lg=0σ, about 2.5% of the chips are lost since they lie outside the power limit. While a typical frequency binning method would predict that 100% of the chips with Lg=-2σ are good, our method captures the fact that over 25% cannot be marketed.
Yield Table Example
Conclusions Presented a new methodology for statistical leakage current analysis Closed-form expressions for total leakage current Considers both inter- and intra-die variation Multiple sources of variability New approach to yield estimation considering leakage power variability and its impact on performance
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